
윤석열 대통령 지지율 44.6%..탄핵 반대 45.6%

정명훈 기자 | 기사입력 2025/01/14 [10:51]

▲ 사진 제공=한길리서치  © 브레이크뉴스

브레이크뉴스 정명훈 기자= 최근 윤석열 대통령의 지지율 상승세가 심상치 않다. 


12·3 비상계엄 사태 이후 탄핵 재판을 앞두고 있는 가운데, 헌법재판소가 윤 대통령을 탄핵하면 안된다는 의견도 45%를 넘어섰다. 


13일 시사오늘이 여론조사 업체 한길리서치에 의뢰해 지난 11일부터 12일까지 전국 만 18세 이상 남녀 1006명을 대상으로 실시한 여론조사 결과, 윤 대통령을 '지지한다'는 응답이 44.6%를 기록했다.


'지지하지 않는다'는 응답이 54.1%였으며 ‘잘 모름’은 1.4%였다.


특히 헌법재판소가 탄핵을 인용하면 안 된다는 의견도 45.6%에 달했다. 탄핵해야 한다는 응답은 52.3%, '잘 모름'은 2.1%였다.


또 정당지지도에서도 국민의힘이 41.6%로 더불어민주당(31.5%)을 오차범위 밖에서 앞선다는 결과가 나왔다.


뒤 이어 조국혁신당은 5.5%, 개혁신당은 3.1%, 진보당은 1.0%, 기타정당은 2.7%였다. ‘지지정당이 없다’는 14.1%, ‘잘 모름’은 0.5%였다.


연령별로 보면, 18~20대와 30대, 60대와 70대 이상에선 지지한다는 응답이 40%를 넘었다. 


40대와 50대의 ‘지지한다’는 응답자가 30%대에 머물렀다. 


2030세대의 지지율이 높았다는 건 이례적으로 읽힌다. 18~20대에선 ‘지지한다’가 46.1%(매우 지지한다 34.2%·지지하는 편이다 11.8%), ‘지지하지 않는다’가 53.3%(전혀 지지하지 않는다 48.3%·지지하지 않는 편이다 4.9%)였고, 30대는 ‘지지한다’가 44.7%(매우 지지한다 33.1%·지지하는 편이다 11.6%), ‘지지하지 않는다’가 50.8%(전혀 지지하지 않는다 44.2%·지지하지 않는 편이다 6.6%)였다.


지지정당별로 보면, 국민의힘 지지자의 82.6%가 윤 대통령을 지지한다고 답했으며 ‘지지하지 않는다’는 16.7%에 불과했다. 


반면 민주당 지지자의 92.0%는 윤 대통령을 지지하지 않았고, ‘지지한다’는 7.0%에 그쳤다. 


범보수로 분류되는 개혁신당(지지한다 24.3%·지지하지 않는다 75.7%)과 무당층(지지한다 34.6%·지지하지 않는다 60.8%)에서도 지지하지 않는다는 응답자 비율이 높았다.


조국혁신당 지지자의 경우 ‘지지한다’는 8.0%, ‘지지하지 않는다’는 92.0%였으며, 진보당 지지자도 ‘지지한다’가 27.4%, ‘지지하지 않는다’가 72.6%였다. 기타정당 지지자는 52.6%가 ‘지지한다’, 43.8%가 ‘지지하지 않는다’고 답했다.


한편, 이번 여론조사는 전국에 거주하는 만18세 이상 남녀 1006명을 대상으로 진행됐으며, RDD 방식으로 무선 ARS 94.2%, 유선 전화면접 5.8%를 병행해 실시했다. 응답률 5.8%, 표본오차는 95% 신뢰수준에 ±3.1%포인트다. 더 자세한 여론조사 내용은 중앙선거여론조사심의위원회 홈페이지를 참조하면 된다.


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


President Yoon Seok-yeol's approval rating at 44.6%... Opposition to impeachment at 45.6%


The recent rise in President Yoon Seok-yeol's approval rating is unusual.


Amid the impeachment trial following the December 3 martial law incident, the opinion that the Constitutional Court should not impeach President Yoon has also surpassed 45%.


According to the results of a public opinion poll conducted by polling company Hangil Research on 1,006 men and women aged 18 or older nationwide from the 11th to the 12th by Sisa Today on the 13th, 44.6% of respondents said they 'support' President Yoon.


54.1% said they 'do not support' and 1.4% said they 'don't know'.


In particular, 45.6% of respondents said that the Constitutional Court should not approve impeachment. 52.3% said they should impeach and 2.1% said they 'don't know'.


In terms of party support, the People Power Party was also ahead of the Democratic Party of Korea (31.5%) by 41.6%, outside the margin of error.


The Fatherland Innovation Party followed with 5.5%, the New Reform Party with 3.1%, the Progressive Party with 1.0%, and other parties with 2.7%. 14.1% said they had no party they supported, and 0.5% said they didn’t know.


By age, over 40% of those in their 18s and 20s, 30s, 60s, and 70s and older responded that they supported the party.


The percentage of those in their 40s and 50s who responded that they supported the party remained in the 30% range.


It is unusual to read that the support rate among the 2030 generation was high. Among those in their 18s and 20s, 46.1% said they ‘support’ (34.2% strongly support, 11.8% somewhat supportive), while 53.3% said they ‘do not support’ (48.3% not at all supportable, 4.9% somewhat dissupportable). Among those in their 30s, 44.7% said they ‘support’ (33.1% strongly supportable, 11.6% somewhat supportable), while 50.8% said they ‘do not support’ (44.2% not at all supportable, 6.6% somewhat dissupportable).


By political party, 82.6% of People Power Party supporters answered that they support President Yoon, while only 16.7% said they ‘do not support’.


On the other hand, 92.0% of Democratic Party supporters did not support President Yoon, while only 7.0% said they ‘supported’ him.


The percentage of respondents who did not support was also high among the Reform Party (support 24.3%, dissupport 75.7%), which is classified as a pan-conservative, and the non-partisan group (support 34.6%, dissupport 60.8%).


In the case of supporters of the Fatherland Innovation Party, 8.0% said they ‘support’ and 92.0% said they ‘do not support’, and among supporters of the Progressive Party, 27.4% said they ‘support’ and 72.6% said they ‘do not support’. Among supporters of other political parties, 52.6% said they ‘support’ and 43.8% said they ‘do not support’.


Meanwhile, this opinion poll was conducted on 1,006 men and women aged 18 or older residing nationwide, and was conducted using the RDD method, with 94.2% using wireless ARS and 5.8% using landline telephone interviews. The response rate was 5.8%, and the sampling error was ±3.1% points at a 95% confidence level. For more detailed information on the public opinion survey, please refer to the website of the Central Election Opinion Survey Deliberation Committee.

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