윤석열 대통령이 14일 "북한 정권은 탈북을 막기 위해 국경 지역에 장벽·전기 철조망을 치고 심지어 지뢰까지 매설하고 있다"며 주민 탈북을 막기 위한 북한 정권의 각종 조치들을 비판했다.
윤 대통령은 이날 오전 서울 종로구 청와대 영빈관에서 '자유를 향한 용기, 통일로 가는 여정' 주제로 열린 제1회 북한이탈주민의 날 기념식에서 "인간답게 살고 싶다는 절규를 가로막는 반인륜적 행위"라며 이같이 말했다.
'북한이탈주민의 날'은 윤 대통령이 지난 1월 16일 국무회의에서 북한이탈주민을 따뜻하게 포용하고 성공적 정착을 격려하기 위해 제정을 약속한 날로 역대 정부 중 북한이탈주민의 날 기념식을 개최한 건 이번이 처음이다.
그러면서 "북한을 벗어나 자유를 찾는 길은 여전히 멀고 험난하다"며 "많은 동포들이 탈북을 시도하다 안타깝게 목숨을 잃고 있다"고 지적했다.
또 "북한으로 다시 끌려가 반역자로 몰려 갖은 고초를 겪는 일도 허다하다"며 "대한민국은 탈북 과정서 희생된 분들 고통을 결코 잊지 않겠다"고 말했다.
이어 "지난해 3월 정부 차원에서 처음 '북한인권보고서'를 공개 발간했다"며 "북한인권 문제를 해결하는 게 한반도 평화·통일 대한민국을 이루는 중요 토대기 때문"이라고 밝혔다.
더불어 "탈북민 여러분을 포용하는 게 북한인권을 개선하는 첫걸음이 될 것"이라며 "북한이탈주민들이 안정적으로 정착할 수 있도록 국가의 종합적 보호·지원체계를 구축하겠다"고 밝혔다.
윤 대통령은 "2005년 수준에 머물러 있는 초기 정착지원금을 대폭 개선하고 '미래행복통장'을 통한 자산 형성을 지원하고 정부·공공기관 채용을 확대하겠다"며 "민간에서도 좋은 일자리를 얻을 수 있도록 탈북민 고용 기업에 세액공제 같은 인센티브도 제공하겠다"고 밝혔다.
또 "탈북민 다수를 차지하고 있는 탈북 여성에게 아이돌봄 서비스를 제공하고, 북한 출생 자녀 뿐만 아닌 제3국 출생이나 국내서 태어난 자녀들을 위한 양육·교육 지원도 제도화해 나가겠다"고 말했다.
이어 "북한이탈주민이 차별받지 않고 자유·행복을 누릴 수 있도록 하겠다"며 올해부터 본격 시작한 민주평화통일자문회의의 멘토링 사업을 소개하며 "먼저 온 탈북민들이 나중에 온 탈북민을 보살필 수 있도록 북한이탈주민 자립공동체도 형성되도록 지원하겠다"고 밝혔다.
그러면서 "북한 정권에 의해 고통받는 북한 동포를 결코 외면않을 것"이라며 "북한을 탈출해 해외에 있는 동포들이 강제 북송되지 않도록 모든 외교적 노력을 다하겠다"고 강조했다.
더불어 "북한이탈주민과 대한민국이 하나되고 사람과 사람의 통일이 이뤄질 때 진정한 통일이 달성될 것"이라며 " 이번 첫 북한이탈주민의 날이 우리 모두의 '자유의 날' '통일의 날'을 앞당길 것으로 확신한다"고 덧붙였다.
이 자리에선 북한이탈주민이 들려주는 꿈 이야기와 북한이탈주민의 통일 다짐 발표, 남한 청소년·북한이탈주민 청소년 합창 공연 등이 이어졌다.
윤 대통령은 앞서 유공자 포상에서 북한이탈주민 지원에 기여한 공로를 인정해 김성민 자유북한방송대표(국민훈장 동백장)·임현수 글로벌연합 선교 훈련원 이사장(국민포장)·마순희 학마을 자조모임 대표(대통령 표창)·남북 주민으로 구성된 '워드봉사단(대통령 표창)'에게 훈·포장·표창 등을 수여했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
President Yoon Seok-yeol "Resolving North Korean human rights issues is an important foundation for peace and unification of the Korean Peninsula."
First ceremony to establish North Korean Defectors' Day for the first time in history "North Korea uses electric barbed wire and mines on the border to prevent defections. It is inhumane... Embracing North Korean defectors, the first step to improving human rights in North Korea, and the foundation for a unified Republic of Korea."
-kihong Kim reporter
On the 14th, President Yoon Seok-yeol criticized the North Korean regime's various measures to prevent residents from defecting, saying, "The North Korean regime is building walls and electric barbed wire in the border area and even planting land mines to prevent defections."
President Yoon said this at the first North Korean Defectors' Day commemoration ceremony held this morning at the Blue House guesthouse in Jongno-gu, Seoul under the theme of 'Courage for freedom, journey to unification', saying, "It is an inhumane act that blocks the cry of wanting to live like a human being." .
'North Korean Defectors' Day' is a day that President Yoon promised to establish at the Cabinet meeting on January 16th to warmly embrace North Korean defectors and encourage their successful resettlement. This is the first government in history to hold a ceremony commemorating North Korean Defectors' Day. This is my first time.
At the same time, he pointed out, “The road to freedom from North Korea is still long and arduous,” and “Many of our compatriots are unfortunately losing their lives while trying to escape from North Korea.”
He also said, "There are many cases where people are taken back to North Korea and are accused of being traitors and suffer all sorts of hardships," and added, "South Korea will never forget the suffering of those who sacrificed their lives in the process of defecting from North Korea."
He continued, “In March of last year, we published the ‘North Korean Human Rights Report’ publicly for the first time at the government level,” and added, “This is because resolving the North Korean human rights issue is an important foundation for achieving peace and a unified Republic of Korea on the Korean Peninsula.”
In addition, he said, "Embracing North Korean defectors will be the first step to improving human rights in North Korea," and added, "We will establish a comprehensive national protection and support system so that North Korean defectors can settle down stably."
President Yoon said, “We will significantly improve the initial settlement support fund, which remains at the 2005 level, support asset formation through the ‘Future Happiness Account’, and expand employment in government and public institutions,” adding, “We will hire North Korean defectors so that they can get good jobs in the private sector.” “We will also provide incentives such as tax credits to companies,” he said.
He also said, "We will provide child care services to North Korean women, who make up the majority of North Korean defectors, and institutionalize childcare and education support not only for children born in North Korea, but also for children born in third countries or domestically."
He then introduced the mentoring project of the Advisory Council on Democratic and Peaceful Unification, which began in earnest this year, saying, “We will ensure that North Korean defectors can enjoy freedom and happiness without discrimination. “We will support the formation of self-reliant communities,” he said.
He added, "We will never turn a blind eye to our North Korean compatriots who are suffering at the hands of the North Korean regime," and added, "We will make every diplomatic effort to prevent our compatriots who have escaped North Korea and are abroad from being forcibly repatriated to North Korea."
In addition, he said, “True unification will be achieved when North Korean defectors and the Republic of Korea become one and people-to-people unification is achieved.” He added, “I hope that this first North Korean Defector Day will bring forward our ‘Freedom Day’ and ‘Unification Day.’ “I am confident that it is,” he added.
At this event, there were dream stories told by North Korean defectors, North Korean defectors' announcement of their commitment to unification, and choir performances by South Korean youth and North Korean defector youth.
In his previous award for meritorious service, President Yoon recognized his contribution to supporting North Korean defectors by awarding Kim Sung-min, head of Radio Free North Korea (Dongbaek Medal, Civil Merit), Lim Hyun-soo, chairman of the Global Union Missionary Training Center (national award), and Ma Soon-hee, head of the School Village Self-Help Group (presidential commendation). Medals, decorations, commendations, etc. were awarded to the ‘Word Volunteer Corps (Presidential Citation)’ comprised of North and South Korean residents.