
성인남녀 35.6%, 설 명절 스트레스..적정 세뱃돈 얼마?

노보림 기자 | 기사입력 2024/02/10 [08:42]

브레이크뉴스 노보림 기자= 설 연휴명절 스트레스를 호소하는 이들이 적지 않다.   


알바천국에 따르면 성인 3441명을 대상으로 조사한 결과, 설 명절 스트레스를 받는다고 답한 비율이 35.6%로 집계됐다.


남성(29.2%)보다 여성에게서 40.1%로 높은 응답률이 나타났으며, 연령별로는 30대가 48.2%로 가장 많았다.


구체적인 스트레스 유형으로는 ‘취업, 직업 관련 과도한 질문과 잔소리(47.5%)’가 1위로 꼽혔다. 


다음으로  △선물, 세뱃돈, 용돈 등 비용 부담(29.2%) △상차림, 청소 등 명절 가사노동(28.8%) △연애, 결혼 관련 과도한 질문과 잔소리(27.7%) △잘 모르는 가족·친지 모임(21.9%) △명절 고향 방문 시 교통체증(19.2%) 등이었다.


남녀 모두 ‘취업, 직업 관련 과도한 질문과 잔소리(각각 47.4%, 47.5%)에 가장 많은 스트레스를 받는다고 답했지만, 2위 답변은 남성은 ‘비용 부담(33.0%)’, 여성은 ‘명절 가사노동(36.6%)’으로 상이했다. 


청년층(20, 30대)과 중장년층(40대, 50대 이상)의 답변도 달랐다. 청년층은 ‘취업, 직업 관련 과도한 질문과 잔소리’를 1위로 답했으며, 중장년층은 ‘선물, 세뱃돈, 용돈 등 비용 부담’을 가장 많이 꼽았다.


2위 답변도 연령별로 차이를 보였는데 20대는 ‘잘 모르는 가족·친지 모임(30.4%)’, 30대는 ‘연애, 결혼 관련 과도한 질문과 잔소리(46.5%)’, 40대와 50대 이상은 ‘명절 가사노동(각각 39.0%, 36.5%)’으로 조사됐다.


아울러 많은 이들이 신경쓰는 설 세뱃돈 및 용돈과 관련해서는 주고받는 입장에 따라 의견이 갈렸다.


조사에 응답한 성인남녀 중 55.5%는 받는 편, 44.5%는 주는 편이라 답했으며 연령별로 그 비율은 상이했다. 


20대의 경우 83.2%의 압도적인 응답률로 주로 세뱃돈을 받는 편이란 응답이 많았으나, △대학생 92.4% △취업준비생 68.2% △직장인 40.3% 등 직업별로 비율의 차이가 뚜렷했다. 


30대 이상의 연령대에서는 절반 이상이 주로 명절 용돈을 주는 편이라 답했다. 


설 세뱃돈, 명절 용돈을 받는 편이라 답한 이들은 적당한 수준으로 ‘10만원 내외(32.5%)’를 가장 많이 답했다. 


이어 △5만원 내외(17.4%) △20만원 내외(15.6%) △30만원 내외(13.7%) △50만원 내외(11.8%) 등이었다. 


대체로 ‘5만원 내외’ 이하 답변 비율(22.9%)보다 ‘20만원 내외’ 이상 답변 비율(44.6%)이 높게 나타났다.


대체로 주는 편이라 답한 이들 역시 ‘10만원 내외(33.3%)’를 적당한 설 세뱃돈, 명절 용돈 수준으로 꼽았으나 ,‘5만원 내외’ 이하 답변 비율이 44.8%로 ‘20만원 내외’ 이상 답변 비율(21.9%)보다 현저히 높았다. 


명절 용돈을 주는 대상은 ‘부모님(49.0%)’이 가장 많았으며, △조카 등 친척(27.3%) △자녀(11.0%) 등이었다.




*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


35.6% of adult men and women are stressed about the holidays.. How much is the appropriate New Year’s money?

There are many people who complain of stress during the Lunar New Year holiday.


Reporter No Bo-rim= According to Alba Heaven, in a survey of 3,441 adults, 35.6% responded that they were stressed during the Lunar New Year holiday.


There was a higher response rate among women (40.1%) than among men (29.2%), and by age, those in their 30s accounted for the most at 48.2%.


As for the specific type of stress, ‘excessive questions and nagging about employment and work (47.5%)’ was ranked first.


Next, △ Burden of expenses such as gifts, New Year's money, and pocket money (29.2%) △ Holiday housework such as setting the table and cleaning (28.8%) △ Excessive questions and nagging related to dating and marriage (27.7%) △ Gatherings of family and friends who do not know much (21.9%) ) △Traffic congestion when visiting hometown for holidays (19.2%).


Both men and women answered that they were most stressed by excessive questions and nagging about employment and work (47.4% and 47.5%, respectively), but the second-highest answer for men was 'cost burden (33.0%)' and for women, 'housework during holidays.' (36.6%)'.


The answers of young people (20s and 30s) and middle-aged people (40s and 50s or older) were also different. Young people answered ‘excessive questions and nagging about employment and occupation’ as the top answer, while middle-aged people ranked ‘burden of expenses such as gifts, New Year’s money, and pocket money’ the most.


The 2nd place answer also showed differences by age, with people in their 20s saying 'A gathering of family and friends I don't know much about (30.4%)', people in their 30s saying 'Excessive questions and nagging about dating and marriage (46.5%)', and people in their 40s and 50s or older saying '(46.5%)'. The survey was conducted as ‘holiday housework (39.0% and 36.5%, respectively).


In addition, regarding Lunar New Year's New Year's money and pocket money, which many people care about, opinions were divided depending on the exchange position.


Among the adult men and women who responded to the survey, 55.5% responded that they were more likely to receive and 44.5% responded that they were more likely to give, with the ratios differing by age.


In the case of people in their 20s, the overwhelming response rate of 83.2% was that they mainly received New Year's money, but there was a clear difference in the proportions by occupation, such as 92.4% of college students, 68.2% of job seekers, and 40.3% of office workers.


Among those in their 30s or older, more than half responded that they usually give holiday allowances.


Those who responded that they tend to receive Lunar New Year's or holiday allowances most often answered 'around 100,000 won (32.5%)' as an appropriate amount.


This was followed by around 50,000 won (17.4%), around 200,000 won (15.6%), around 300,000 won (13.7%), and around 500,000 won (11.8%).


In general, the proportion of answers ‘about 200,000 won or more’ (44.6%) was higher than the proportion of answers ‘about 50,000 won or less’ (22.9%).


Those who responded that they generally give money also chose 'around 100,000 won (33.3%)' as an appropriate level of Lunar New Year's New Year's or holiday allowance, but 44.8% answered 'around 50,000 won' or less, and the proportion of answers 'around 200,000 won' or more (21.9%) ) was significantly higher than that.


The most common recipients of holiday allowance were parents (49.0%), followed by relatives such as nephews and nieces (27.3%), and children (11.0%).


기사제보 및 보도자료 119@breaknews.com
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