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기독교복음선교회측은 10월31일자 보도자료에서 “지난 10월26일, 개신교, 통일교, 불교 등 여러 종교와 교파에서 활동하고 있는 43명의 종교지도자들이 충남 금산에 위치한 기독교복음선교회 월명동 수련원에 방문했다. 기독교복음선교회 소속 교회 광명교회에서 주최하는 종교지도자 모임은 지난 2019년 6차례 열렸으며, 코로나19 팬데믹으로 중단됐다가 4년만에 재개됐다.”고 전했다.
광명교회 관계자는 "이날 수련원을 처음 방문한 한 개신교 목사는 '신의 작품', '하나님이 함께하시어 만든 곳'이라며 찬사를 아끼지 않았고, 하루만에 다 볼 수 없다며 재방문할 의사를 밝혔다"고 알렸다. 이 관계자는 "이번에 오신 40여명의 종교지도자 모두가 현재 정명석 목사님과 선교회가 겪고 있는 억울한 상황에 공감하여 모두 탄원서를 작성해주셨다"며 "앞으로도 월명동 자연성전을 통해 하나님의 위대한 행하심과 정명석 목사님의 하나님과 예수님 사랑을 널리 알릴 것"이라고 말했다.
Wolmyeong-dong Natural Temple, where the JMS mission headquarters is located, ‘visited by about 40 religious leaders’
-Reporter Park Jeong-dae
In a press release dated October 31, the Christian Gospel Mission said, “On October 26, 43 religious leaders from various religions and denominations, including Protestantism, Unification Church, and Buddhism, visited the Wolmyeong-dong Training Center of the Christian Gospel Mission located in Geumsan, South Chungcheong Province. “The religious leaders’ meeting hosted by Gwangmyeong Church, a church affiliated with the Christian Gospel Mission, was held six times in 2019, and was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but resumed after four years,” he said.
An official from Gwangmyeong Church said, "A Protestant pastor who visited the training center for the first time on this day praised it, calling it 'God's work' and 'a place created with God working together,' and expressed his intention to visit again, saying he could not see everything in one day." This official said, "All of the 40 religious leaders who came this time sympathized with the unfair situation that Pastor Myung-seok Jeong and the missionary organization are currently experiencing and wrote a petition." He added, "We will continue to pray for God's great deeds through the Wolmyeong-dong Natural Temple and to pray for Pastor Myeong-seok Jeong's relationship with God." “I will spread the love of Jesus,” he said.