
국회 행정안전위 일동 “국수본은 내란수괴 윤석열을 즉각 체포 구속하라”​

국수본, 신속하고 성역없는 수사로 내란사태의 실체와 범죄사실 명확히 밝혀야

김충열 정치전문기자 | 기사입력 2024/12/08 [12:35]

국회 행정안전위원회 야3당 위원 일동은 12월 8일, 기자회견을 통해 “국회 행안위는 지난 12월 5일에 내란범죄 혐의자 신속체포요구 결의안을 채택했다. 우종수 경찰청 국가수사본부장은 당일 행정안전위원회에 출석하여 신속하게 수사하겠다고 답변했다”며, “국수본은 내란수괴 윤석열을 즉각 체포 구속하라​”고 촉구했다. 


국회 행안위 일동은 “지금 당장 윤석열 내란 범죄혐의자를 체포하고 구속하라. 대통령실과 국방부 등 내란에 관여한 모든 혐의자를 체포하고 관련 기관에 대한 압수수색을 실시하라.”고 국수본에 강력히 촉구했다.   © 김충열 정치전문기자


행안위 일동은 “그러나 지난 며칠간 상황을 보면 국수본이 12.3 내란사태를 제대로 수사할 의지가 있는 것인지 우려가 크다”며, “국수본은 경찰청장, 서울경찰청장 등의 휴대전화를 임의제출 받았고, 서울경찰청 무전기록을 확보했다고 밝혔다. 하지만 경찰 소속 피의자와 경찰 기록만 조사하면서 내란죄 수사 권한이 없는 검찰에 주도권을 빼앗겼다”고 비판했다.  


내란 수괴 윤석열, 이상민 행안부장관, 여인형 전 방첩사령관 등 내란의 주범들 수수방관해산 안돼 


일동은 “심지어 내란죄 주동자인 김용현(전 국방장관)의 셀프 출석까지 있은 후에야 그제서야 국수본은 김용현 공관과 집무실을 압수수색을 했다”며, “ 여전히 내란 수괴 윤석열을 비롯해 이상민 행안부장관, 여인형 전 방첩사령관 등 내란의 주범들에 대해서는 수수방관하고 있다”고 직격 비판했다.  


이어 “내란죄 수괴와 핵심 주동자들이 증거를 인멸하지 못하도록 막는 일이 가장 시급하다”며, “이미 김용현과  정진석 대통령 비서실장은 텔레그램을 탈퇴하고 새로 가입했다”며 날카롭게 지적했다.  


아울러 “지금 당장 윤석열 내란 범죄혐의자를 체포하고 구속하라. 대통령실과 국방부 등 내란에 관여한 모든 혐의자를 체포하고 관련 기관에 대한 압수수색을 실시하라.”고 국수본에 강력히 촉구했다. 


검찰에 체포된 김용현의 신병도 즉각 확보, 내란범죄혐의자 전원의 통화 내역, 텔레그램 등

SNS 대화내역, 국무회의 기록, 군부대 출동기록 등 12.3 내란사태의 핵심증거 신속하게 확보하라


행안위 일동은 “검찰에 체포된 김용현의 신병도 즉각 확보해야 한다. 또한 내란범죄혐의자 전원의 통화 내역, 텔레그램 등 SNS 대화내역, 국무회의 기록, 군부대 출동기록 등 12.3 내란사태의 핵심증거를 신속하게 확보하라”고 깅력 촉구했다. 


이들은 “12.3 내란사태 당시 경찰력 동원에 관해서만 적당히 수사하고 넘어간다면 국수본이 존재할 이유가 없다. 12.3 내란사태는 현직 대통령이 대한민국의 헌정질서와 민주주의를 유린한 친위 쿠데타이다”며, “지금 이 순간에도 쿠데타는 계속 진행되고 있다”며, 시국의 엄중함을 국수본에 경고했다.


이어 “현재 대한민국에서 내란죄를 직접 수사할 수 있는 기관은 국수본이 유일하다. 윤석열 정부의 검찰을 어떻게 믿을 수 있는가”되물으며, “국수본이 김용현의 신병을 즉각 확보하고 검찰의 월권수사를 더 이상 방치해서는 안된다”고 촉구했다. 


아울러 “국수본은 신속하고 성역없는 수사로 12.3 내란사태의 실체와 범죄사실을 명확히 밝혀야 할 책임이 있다. 만에 하나 내란 우두머리 윤석열은 수사하지 못하고, 꼬리자르기식 경찰청장 등 내란 종사자 수준에서 멈출 생각이라면 차라리 수사에서 손 떼고, 국회에 특검 설치를 즉각 요청하기 바란다”고 역설했다. 


국회 행안위 일동은 “내란은 제압되지 않고 계속되고 있다. 내란 혐의자를 돕거나 증거를 인멸하거나 시도하는 어떤 행위에 가담하는 것은 처벌될 것이다. 이번 내란죄 수사는 단순한 범죄 수사가 아니다. 지금 국수본은 대한민국 헌정질서를 수호하는 역사적 책무를 부여받았다”고 국수본의 각성을 촉구했다.


한국형 FBI를 목표로 출범한 국수본,  스스로 존재 이유를 증명할 기회


행안위 일동은 “한국형 FBI를 목표로 출범했지만 그간 존재감이 부족했던 국수본이 스스로 존재 이유를 증명할 기회이다”며, “이번 사건의 처리가 향후 국수본의 신뢰와 위상을 결정짓는 시험대가 될 것이다. 윤석열 등 내란범죄혐의자에 대한 성역없는 수사로 국민과 역사 앞에 국수본의 존재 가치를 증명하기 바란다”고 강력 경고했다. hpf21@naver.com 


* 아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.

*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation. 


The entire National Assembly Public Administration and Security Committee: “The National Investigation Headquarters should immediately arrest and detain the ringleader of the rebellion, Yoon Seok-yeol.”

The National Investigation Headquarters should conduct a swift and impartial investigation to clearly reveal the truth about the rebellion and the crimes committed


On December 8, the three opposition party members of the National Assembly Public Administration and Security Committee held a press conference and stated, “On December 5, the National Assembly Public Administration and Security Committee adopted a resolution demanding the swift arrest of the suspects of the rebellion. The National Police Agency’s National Investigation Headquarters Chief Woo Jong-soo appeared before the Public Administration and Security Committee that day and responded that he would conduct a swift investigation.” They urged, “The National Investigation Headquarters should immediately arrest and detain the ringleader of the rebellion, Yoon Seok-yeol.”


The entire Public Administration and Security Committee stated, “However, given the situation over the past few days, there is great concern about whether the National Investigation Headquarters has the will to properly investigate the December 3 rebellion.” They also stated, “The National Investigation Headquarters voluntarily submitted the cell phones of the National Police Agency Commissioner General, the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency Commissioner General, etc., and secured the radio records of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency.” However, they criticized that the prosecution, which does not have the authority to investigate the rebellion, took the initiative by only investigating suspects belonging to the police and police records.


The main culprits of the rebellion, including Yoon Seok-yeol, Minister of Public Administration and Security Lee Sang-min, and former Chief of Staff of the Counterintelligence Command Yeo In-hyeong, should not be dismissed while idly watching them go


The group directly criticized, saying, “The National Intelligence Service conducted a search and seizure of Kim Yong-hyun’s official residence and office only after Kim Yong-hyun (former Minister of National Defense), the main culprit of the rebellion, even appeared on his own,” and “They are still idly watching the main culprits of the rebellion, including Yoon Seok-yeol, Minister of Public Administration and Security Lee Sang-min, and former Chief of Staff of the Counterintelligence Command Yeo In-hyeong.”


They continued, “The most urgent task is to prevent the main culprits and key instigators of the rebellion from destroying evidence,” and pointed out sharply that “Kim Yong-hyun and Chief of Staff to the President Jeong Jin-seok have already left Telegram and joined a new one.”


In addition, they strongly urged the National Investigation Headquarters to “immediately arrest and detain Yoon Seok-yeol, the suspect of sedition. Arrest all suspects involved in the sedition, including the Office of the President and the Ministry of National Defense, and conduct a search and seizure of related organizations.”


Immediately secure the body of Kim Yong-hyun, who was arrested by the prosecution, and quickly secure key evidence of the 12.3 sedition, such as phone records, Telegram, etc. of all suspects of sedition,


SNS conversation records, State Council meeting records, and military unit dispatch records.


The entire Administrative Safety Committee strongly urged, “We must immediately secure the body of Kim Yong-hyun, who was arrested by the prosecution. In addition, we must quickly secure key evidence of the 12.3 sedition, such as phone records, Telegram, and other SNS conversation records of all suspects of sedition, State Council meeting records, and military unit dispatch records.”


They said, “If we only investigate the mobilization of police force during the 12.3 sedition and move on, there is no reason for the National Investigation Headquarters to exist. He warned the National Investigation Headquarters of the seriousness of the current situation, saying, “The 12.3 internal rebellion is a coup d’état by the incumbent president that trampled on the constitutional order and democracy of the Republic of Korea,” and “The coup d’état is still ongoing at this very moment.”


He continued, “The National Investigation Headquarters is the only organization in the Republic of Korea that can directly investigate the crime of internal rebellion. How can we trust the prosecution of the Yoon Seok-yeol government?” and urged, “The National Investigation Headquarters should immediately secure Kim Yong-hyun’s personal information and stop neglecting the prosecution’s excessive investigation.”


He also emphasized, “The National Investigation Headquarters has the responsibility to clearly reveal the truth and criminal facts of the 12.3 internal rebellion through a swift and impartial investigation. If by any chance they fail to investigate the ringleader of the internal rebellion, Yoon Seok-yeol, and stop at the level of internal rebellion personnel such as the chief of police, they should rather step back from the investigation and immediately request the National Assembly to establish a special prosecutor.”


The entire National Assembly’s Public Administration and Security Committee said, “The rebellion is not being suppressed and is continuing. Any act that aids or attempts to aid or destroy evidence will be punished. This rebellion investigation is not a simple criminal investigation. The National Investigation Headquarters has now been given the historical responsibility of protecting the constitutional order of the Republic of Korea,” and urged the National Investigation Headquarters to wake up.


The National Investigation Headquarters, launched with the goal of becoming a Korean-style FBI, has a chance to prove its own raison d’être


The entire Public Administration and Security Committee strongly warned, “The National Investigation Headquarters, which was launched with the goal of becoming a Korean-style FBI but has lacked a presence so far, has a chance to prove its own raison d’être,” and “The handling of this case will be a test that will determine the trustworthiness and status of the National Investigation Headquarters in the future. We hope that the National Investigation Headquarters will prove its value to the people and history by conducting an impartial investigation of the suspects of rebellion, including Yoon Seok-yeol.” hpf21@naver.com




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