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탐정 관련 학술 전문연구기관인 한국민간조사학술연구소(kpisl, 소장 김종식)는 ‘탐정의 유용성 등 그 역할과 역량’을 대중에게 보다 간결하게 알리는 실증적 자료로 활용코자 국내 탐정들이 단독(주도적) 또는 언론·공공기관 등과 연대하여 펼친 공익 활동(公益活動, 공익탐정 활동) 사례를 12월 10일까지 공개 모집한다.
이번 공익탐정 활동 사례 모집에는 국내에서 탐정 활동을 하고 있는 사람이면 누구나 응모할 수 있으며, 채택된 활동 사례는 ‘보도 매체를 통해 2회 이상 소개(홍보)’되며 한국민간조사학술연구소가 향후 출간(또는 개정)하는 각종 탐정 관련 학술서에 ‘공익탐정 성공 사례’로 수록된다. 또한 우수 공익 활동 사례를 지닌 탐정은 희망에 따라 내년 1월 발족하게 될 국내 최초 ‘반부패 공익탐정팀’ 또는 ‘반부패 정보분석팀’ 구성원으로 최우선 위촉 대상이 된다.
응모를 희망하는 분은 A4용지 한 장에 공익 활동 사례(2023년 1월 이후 활동 사례에 한함)를 육하원칙에 맞게 서술하여 응모자의 사진과 함께 2024년 12월 10일까지 한국민간조사학술연구소 이메일(kpislk@naver.com)로 제출하면 된다.
한편 한국민간조사학술연구소는 ‘공정과 상식을 짓밟는 부정·부패 근절에 벽돌 한 장이라도 나르는 심정’으로 정치권 및 경제·사회분야 인사들과 관련된 비리·부패 징후(정보·단서·증거) 포착 활동에 임할 ‘반부패 공익탐정팀(에이스탐정 5명)’과 이에 의해 포착된 비리 정보 등을 분석할 '반부패 정보분석팀(변호사, 교수, 언론인 등 5명)'을 내년 1월 동시에 출범키로 했다(2024년 11월 12일 시민일보 “한국민간조사학술연구소, 국내 최초 ’반부패 공익탐정팀‘ 내년 1월 발족” 참조).
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‘반부패 공익탐정팀’의 역할은 정치권 및 경제·사회분야 인사들과 관련된 비리·부패 징후(정보·단서·증거) 포착 활동에 국한되며, ‘반부패 공익탐정팀’이 포착한 특정인 또는 특정 단체의 비리나 부패 내용은 ‘반부패 정보분석팀’의 분석과 판단에 따라 부패공익신고, 언론에 제보, 경찰·검찰 등에 수사 자료로 제공 또는 고발하게 된다.
이와 관련 ‘반부패 공익탐정팀’과 ‘반부패 정보분석팀’의 인선(여러 탐정협회 등에 인재 추천 의뢰) 및 활동 방향 연찬회 등 출범에 필요한 제반 준비는 올 12월 말까지 모두 마칠 예정이다. kjs00112@hanmail.net
한국민간조사학술연구소소장,경희대학교글로벌미래교육원탐정학술전문화과정지도교수,한국범죄정보학회민간조사학술위원장,前경찰청치안정책평가위원,前국가기록원민간기록조사위원,한북신문논설위원,행정사·공인중개사자격취득,치안정보업무20년(1999’경감),경찰학개론강의10년/저서:탐정실무총람,탐정학술요론,탐정학술편람,민간조사학개론(탐정학),경호학,경찰학개론外/사회분야(치안·국민안전·탐정업·탐정법·공인탐정明暗)등 600여편 칼럼이 있다.
Korea Private Investigation Research Institute is recruiting ‘Public Interest Detective Activity Cases’ to include in academic books
Using empirical data to inform the public more concisely about ‘the usefulness of detectives, their roles, and capabilities’
-Kim Jong-sik, Director of Korea Private Investigation Research Institute
Korea Private Investigation Research Institute (kpisl, Director Kim Jong-sik), an academic research institute specializing in detectives, is recruiting cases of public interest activities (public interest detective activities) carried out by domestic detectives alone (leading) or in cooperation with the media, public institutions, etc. until the 10th of next month to use empirical data to inform the public more concisely about ‘the usefulness of detectives, their roles, and capabilities’.
Anyone who is engaged in detective activities in Korea can apply for this public interest detective activity case recruitment, and the selected activity cases will be ‘introduced (promoted) through the media at least twice’ and included as ‘successful public interest detective cases’ in various detective-related academic books published (or revised) by the Korea Institute of Private Investigation Studies in the future. In addition, detectives with excellent public interest activity cases will be given priority for appointment as members of the first ‘Anti-Corruption Public Interest Detective Team’ or ‘Anti-Corruption Information Analysis Team’ in Korea, which will be launched in January of next year, depending on their wishes.
Those who wish to apply should describe their public interest activity cases (limited to cases after January 2023) in accordance with the Six Ws and One Ws principles on one sheet of A4 paper and submit them along with a photo of the applicant to the Korea Institute of Private Investigation Studies email (kpislk@naver.com) by December 10, 2024.
Meanwhile, the Korea Institute of Private Investigation decided to launch the ‘Anti-Corruption Public Interest Detective Team (5 Ace Detectives)’ and the ‘Anti-Corruption Information Analysis Team (5 members including lawyers, professors, and journalists)’ in January next year, which will work to detect signs of corruption and irregularities (information, clues, and evidence) related to political, economic, and social figures with the ‘desire to carry even a single brick to eradicate corruption and irregularities that trample on fairness and common sense’ (see “Korea Institute of Private Investigation, Korea’s first ‘Anti-Corruption Public Interest Detective Team’ to be launched in January next year” in the Citizens’ Daily, November 12, 2024).
The role of the ‘Anti-Corruption Public Interest Detective Team’ is limited to activities to detect signs of corruption (information, clues, evidence) related to political circles and figures in the economic and social sectors, and the corruption or corruption of specific individuals or groups detected by the ‘Anti-Corruption Public Interest Detective Team’ will be reported as public interest corruption, reported to the media, provided as investigative material to the police and prosecution, etc., or reported, based on the analysis and judgment of the ‘Anti-Corruption Information Analysis Team.
In relation to this, all preparations necessary for the launch, such as the selection of personnel for the ‘Anti-Corruption Public Interest Detective Team’ and the ‘Anti-Corruption Information Analysis Team’ (requesting recommendations for talent from various detective associations, etc.) and a seminar on the direction of activities, are scheduled to be completed by the end of December this year. kjs00112@hanmail.net
*Author/Kim Jong-sik
Director of the Korean Private Investigation Research Institute, Professor of the Detective Academic Specialization Program at Kyung Hee University's Global Future Education Institute, Chairman of the Private Investigation Academic Committee of the Korean Society of Criminology, former member of the National Police Agency's Security Policy Evaluation Committee, former member of the National Archives of Korea's Private Records Investigation Committee, editorial writer for the Hanbuk Shinmun, obtained qualifications as an administrative scrivener and certified real estate agent, worked in security intelligence for 20 years (inspector in 1999), lectured on police science for 10 years/Author: Detective Practice Overview, Detective Academic Theory, Detective Academic Handbook, Introduction to Private Investigation (Detective Studies), Security Studies, Introduction to Police Studies, etc./There are over 600 columns in social fields (security, national safety, detective work, detective law, and the light and darkness of certified detectives).