시국선언 '우리 모두 일어나 나라를 지킵시다' 제안·서명자들은 9월20일 서울 중구 프란치스코 교육회관에서 긴급 기자회견을 열고 "윤석열 정권 2년 반 만에 나라가 밑뿌리부터 흔들리고 있다. 더 이상 두고 볼 수 없다."며, “윤석열 정권퇴진”을 촉구했다.
이날 윤석열 대통령의 국정 지지율이 20%로 취임 후 최저치를 기록한 가운데, 시민사회 각계 1500명의 시국선언이 나와 충격을 주고 있다. 7개월째 이어지는 의료 대란과 김건희 여사 명품백 수수 문제가 무혐의처분(?)된 점 등을 들어 정권 스스로 물러나라고 요구했다.
유홍준 전 문화재청장, 최승호 전 MBC 사장, 황석영·현기영 소설가, 정지영 영화감독, 황지우 시인, 정연주 전 KBS 사장, 임재경 한겨레신문 초대 편집인, 문규현·문정현 신부, 권영길·단병호 민주노총 전 위원장, 이수호 전 전태일재단 이사장 등이 이름을 올렸다.
이들은 "지난 7개월 동안 대통령과 의료계의 대립으로 전공의들이 대거 병원을 떠나고 의과대학 교육이 유급 파행을 거듭해도 '의대생 2000명 증원'이라는 대통령의 근거 없는 옹고집은 마치 불변의 진리처럼 의료 대란 출구를 가로막고 있다"며, "응급실이 의료 인력 부족으로 문을 닫고 위급한 중증 환자들이 병원을 찾아 길거리를 헤매는 사태에까지 이르렀는데 대통령의 아집으로 얼마나 많은 사람들이 목숨을 잃어야 하나"라고 동참을 호소했다.
이어 "대통령 부인 김건희 여사가 명품백을 받았다는 사실을 대통령 자신이 시인했지만 갖가지 궁색한 거짓 이유를 내세워 무혐의 처분에 그쳤는가 하면, 야권 지도자들에 대한 수사와 압수수색·재판을 통한 정치적 탄압은 가중되고 있다"며, "권력의 공영방송 장악시도는 방송통신위원회와 방송통신심의위원회를 통해 집요하게 진행되고 있다"고 울분을 토했다.
아울러 "윤 정권이 부자감세를 하는 사이 중소상공인과 영세 자영업자 일반서민은 불황의 늪에 빠지고 있고, 청년세대의 미래는 암울해지고 있다"며, “이제 주저하지 말고 민생을 파탄시키고 전쟁 위기를 조장하고 국민의 신뢰를 잃은 윤석열 정권을 물러나라고 요구하자. (이들은 한 목소리로) 우리 모두 일어나 윤석열 정권을 응징하고 즉각 퇴진시키자"고 호소했다.
‘철도원 3대’로 세계 3대 문학상 ‘부커상’ 최종 후보에 오른 황석영 작가는 "이 정권은 2024년을 넘기지 못할 것 같다. 반드시 그렇게 하자. 각계각층이 작은 힘 큰 힘을 다 모아 이 정권을 타도해 버리자"라고 강경 발언했다.
한편, 이날 시국선언은 당초 서울 중구 프레스센터 기자회견장에서 이뤄질 예정이었지만, 한국언론진흥재단이 하루 전인 19일 돌연 기자회견장 대관을 정치행사라서 불허하면서 인근 프란치스코교육회관에서 치러졌다.
주최 측은 "이미 행사계획서까지 제출해 대관 승인을 받은 행사를 한국언론진흥재단이 하루 전날 갑자기 일방적으로 취소했다"며, "윤석열 정권이 마치 독재 정권 때처럼 언론을 통제하고 있다"고 비판했다.
아래는 시국선언 제안자 100인의 명단. 서명자는 1500여 명 이상이라고 주최 측이 밝혔다.
▲강우일(주교, 전 천주교 제주교구장), 강정채(전 전남대 총장), 강창일(전 주일대사), 강형철(시인, 전 한국작가회의 부위원장), 구중서(문학평론가), 권영길(초대 민주노총 위원장, 전 민주노동당 대표), 김귀옥(한성대), 김민웅(촛불행동 상임대표), 김민환(작가, 고려대 명예교수), 김삼열(독립유공자유족회 회장), 김삼웅(전 독립기념관장), 김상근(목사, 전 KBS 이사장), 김애영(한신대 명예교수), 김영주(목사, 전 한국기독교교회협의회(KNCC) 총무), 김인국(신부, 천주교정의구현전국사제단 대표), 김정헌(전 한국문예위원회 위원장), 김주언(전 뉴스통신진흥회 이사장), 김중배(원로언론인, 전 MBC 사장), 김태일(전 장안대 총장, 몽양여운형기념사업회 이사장), 김효순(리영희재단 이사장), 김희중(대주교, 전 천주교 광주대교구장), 나핵집(목사), 노태구(천도교 동학민족통일회 상임의장), 단병호(전 민주노총위원장), 명진(스님), 문국주(6월 민주항쟁계승사업회 이사장), 문규현(신부), 문정현(신부),박맹수(전 원광대 총장), 박석무(다산연구소 이사장), 박중기(추모연대 명예의장), 박찬석(전 경북대총장), 백낙청(서울대 명예교수, 창비 명예편집인 ), 서중석(성균관대 명예교수), 성명옥(목사), 성한표(조선투위 위원장), 송경용(성공회 신부), 송기인(신부, 전 진화위 위원장), 송철원(현대사기록연구원장), 신경하(목사), 신낙균(전 문화관광부 장관), 신인령(전 이화여대 총장), 신필균(사무금융 우분투재단 이사장), 신학철(화가), 신홍범(전 조선투위 위원장), 안병욱(가톨릭대 명예교수, 전 한국학중앙연구원 원장), 안재웅(목사, 전 한국YMCA 이사장), 안충석(신부), 양길승(녹색병원 이사장, 전 참여연대 운영위원장), 양승동(전 KBS 사장), 양홍(신부), 염무웅(문학평론가, 영남대 명예교수), 유경재(목사), 유홍준(미술평론가, 전 문화재청장), 윤덕홍(전 교육부총리), 윤정모(작가, 전 한국작가회의 이사장), 이경호(성공회 서울교구 주교), 이길재(가톨릭농민회 초대회장), 이만열(시민모임 독립 이사장, 전 국사편찬위원장), 이부영(동아투위 위원장), 이부영(전 전교조 위원장), 이선종(원불교 원로 교무), 이수호(전 전태일재단 이사장), 이완기(새언론포럼 대표), 이우재(매헌윤봉길 월진회 명예회장), 이해동(원로 목사), 이해학(목사), 이현배(한반도 중립화를 추진하는 사람들 상임대표), 이혜경(여성문화예술기획 이사장), 임재경(한겨레신문 초대 편집인), 임진택(판소리 명창, 전 경기아트센터이사장), 임헌영(문학평론가, 민족문제연구소장), 장영달(전 우석대 총장, 전 국회의원), 장윤환(동아투위 위원, 10.24 자유언론운동 주역), 장임원(중앙대 의대 명예교수, 민교협 초대 의장), 전진우(언론비상시국회의 대표, 80년 해직언론인), 전홍준(의사, 광주 하나통합의원 원장), 정강자(전 참여연대 공동대표), 정성헌(한국DMZ평화생명동산 이사장, 전 새마을 중앙회장), 정세현(전 통일부 장관), 정연주(동아투위 위원, 전 KBS 사장), 정지영(영화감독, 전 고려대 미디어학부 교수), 정진우(목사, 윤석열 폭정종식 그리스도인 모임 운영위원장), 정희성(시인, 전 민족문학작가회의 이사장), 조성우(겨레하나 이사장), 조성호(자유언론실천재단 이사장), 조영선(변호사, 전 민변 회장), 채희완(부산대 명예교수, 민족미학연구소 소장), 천영세(민주노총 지도위원), 최기식(신부, 전 저스피스재단 이사장), 최병모(변호사, 더미래연구소 이사장), 최순영(전 YH무역 노조 지부장, 전 민주노동당 국회의원), 최승호(전 MBC 사장), 표완수(전 시사인 대표, 전 한국언론진흥재단 이사장), 함세웅(신부, 안중근의사 기념사업회 이사장), 허원배(목사), 현기영(작가), 황석영(작가), 황지우(시인, 전 한예종 총장외 다수 hpf21@naver.com
* 아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Hwang Seok-young and 1,500 progressives declare a state of affairs... "Yoon Seok-yeol administration must step down"
Medical crisis, suspicions of Ms. Kim Gun-hee receiving luxury bags, attempts to control public broadcasting... Is this a country?
Those who proposed and signed the declaration of the state of affairs, "Let's all rise up and protect the country," held an emergency press conference at the Franciscan Education Center in Jung-gu, Seoul on September 20, saying, "After two and a half years of the Yoon Seok-yeol administration, the country is shaking from the very foundation. We can no longer stand by and watch." They called for "Yoon Seok-yeol administration to step down."
On this day, as President Yoon Seok-yeol's approval rating hit 20%, the lowest since his inauguration, the declaration of the state of affairs by 1,500 people from various sectors of civil society is shocking. They demanded that the government step down on its own, citing the medical crisis that has continued for seven months and the fact that Ms. Kim Gun-hee's luxury bag scandal was cleared of charges(?).
The names of former Cultural Heritage Administration chief Yoo Hong-joon, former MBC president Choi Seung-ho, novelists Hwang Seok-young and Hyun Ki-young, film director Jeong Ji-young, poet Hwang Ji-woo, former KBS president Jeong Yeon-ju, Hankyoreh Shinmun first editor-in-chief Lim Jae-kyung, priests Moon Kyu-hyun and Moon Jeong-hyun, former KCTU chairmen Kwon Yeong-gil and Dan Byeong-ho, and former Jeon Tae-il Foundation chairman Lee Su-ho were listed.
They said, "During the past seven months, due to the confrontation between the president and the medical community, many residents have left hospitals and medical school education has been disrupted, but the president's groundless stubbornness to 'increase medical school students by 2,000' is blocking the exit from the medical crisis as if it were an immutable truth," and "Emergency rooms have been closed due to a lack of medical personnel, and critically ill patients are wandering the streets in search of hospitals. How many people have to lose their lives because of the president's stubbornness?" they appealed for participation.
He continued, “The president himself admitted that his wife, Kim Kun-hee, received a luxury bag, but he ended up with a not guilty verdict by presenting various false excuses, and political oppression of opposition leaders through investigations, searches, seizures, and trials is intensifying,” and “The government’s attempt to control public broadcasting is being persistently carried out through the Korea Communications Commission and the Korea Communications Standards Commission.” He also expressed his anger, saying, “While the Yoon administration is cutting taxes for the wealthy, small business owners, self-employed individuals, and ordinary citizens are falling into a swamp of recession, and the future of the younger generation is becoming bleak.” He continued, “Let’s stop hesitating and demand that the Yoon Seok-yeol administration, which is ruining people’s livelihoods, encouraging a war crisis, and losing the people’s trust, step down. (They appealed in one voice) "Let's all rise up and punish the Yoon Seok-yeol administration and immediately step down."
Writer Hwang Sok-young, who was nominated for the Booker Prize, one of the world's top three literary awards, for "The Three Generations of Railroad Workers," said, "This administration will likely not make it past 2024. Let's make it happen. He made a strong statement, saying, "Let's gather all the small and big forces from all walks of life and overthrow this regime."
Meanwhile, the declaration on the current situation was originally scheduled to take place at the press conference room of the Press Center in Jung-gu, Seoul, but the Korea Press Foundation suddenly refused to allow the press conference room to be rented the day before, on the 19th, citing it as a political event, so it was held at the nearby Franciscan Education Center.
The organizers criticized, "The Korea Press Foundation suddenly and unilaterally canceled the event the day before, even though we had already submitted the event plan and received approval for the venue," and "The Yoon Seok-yeol administration is controlling the media as if it were a dictatorship."
Below is a list of the 100 people who proposed the declaration on the current situation. The organizers said that there were over 1,500 signatories.
▲Kang Woo-il (Bishop, former Catholic Diocese of Jeju), Kang Jeong-chae (former president of Chonnam National University), Kang Chang-il (former ambassador to Japan), Kang Hyeong-cheol (poet, former member of the Korean Writers' Association) Vice Chairman), Koo Joong-seo (literary critic), Kwon Young-gil (first chairman of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, former representative of the Democratic Labor Party), Kim Gwi-ok (Hansung University), Kim Min-woong (permanent representative of the Candlelight Action), Kim Min-hwan (writer, professor emeritus at Korea University), Kim Sam-yeol (chairman of the Association of Bereaved Families of Independence Activists), Kim Sam-woong (former director of the Independence Hall of Korea), Kim Sang-geun (pastor, former chairman of the KBS board), Kim Ae-young (professor emeritus at Hanshin University), Kim Young-joo (pastor, former general secretary of the National Council of Churches in Korea (KNCC), Kim In-guk (priest, representative of the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission), Kim Jeong-heon (former chairman of the Korean Arts and Culture Commission), Kim Ju-eon (former chairman of the Korea News Agency Promotion Association), Kim Jung-bae (veteran journalist, former president of MBC), Kim Tae-il (former president of Chang-an University, chairman of the Mongyang Yeo Un-hyeong Memorial Foundation), Kim Hyo-soon (chairman of the Lee Young-hee Foundation), Kim Hee-joong (archbishop, former Catholic) Archbishop of Gwangju), Na Hak-jip (pastor), Noh Tae-gu (standing chairman of the Donghak National Unification Association of Cheondogyo), Dan Byeong-ho (former chairman of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions), Myeong Jin (monk), Moon Guk-ju (chairman of the June Democratic Struggle Succession Project Association), Moon Gyu-hyeon (priest), Moon Jeong-hyeon (priest), Park Maeng-su (former president of Wonkwang University), Park Seok-mu (chairman of the Dasan Research Institute), Park Joong-gi (honorary chairman of the Memorial Association), Park Chan-seok (former president of Kyungpook National University), Baek Nak-cheong (professor emeritus of Seoul National University, honorary editor of Changbi), Seo Joong-seok (professor emeritus of Sungkyunkwan University), Seong Myeong-ok (pastor), Seong Han-pyo (chairman of the Joseon Struggle Committee), Song Gyeong-yong (anglican priest), Song Ki-in (priest, former chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission), Song Cheol-won (director of the Institute of Modern History Records), Shin Kyeong-ha (pastor), Shin Nak-gyun (former minister of culture and tourism), Shin In-ryeong (former president of Ewha Womans University), Shin Pil-gyun (chairman of the Ubuntu Foundation for the Advancement of Democratic Movement), Shin Hak-cheol (painter), Shin Hong-beom (former chairman of the Joseon Struggle Committee), Ahn Byeong-uk (professor emeritus of Catholic University, former president of the Academy of Korean Studies), Ahn Jae-woong (pastor, former chairman of the Korea YMCA), Ahn Chung-seok (priest), Yang Gil-seung (chairman of the Green Hospital, former chairman of the steering committee of People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy), Yang Seung-dong (former president of KBS), Yang Hong (priest), Yeom Mu-woong (literary critic, professor emeritus of Yeungnam University), Yu Gyeong-jae (pastor), Yu Hong-jun (art critic, former head of the Cultural Heritage Administration), Yoon Deok-hong (former deputy prime minister of education), Yoon Jeong-mo (writer, former chairman of the Korean Writers’ Association), Lee Gyeong-ho (Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Seoul), Lee Gil-jae (first chairman of the Catholic Farmers’ Association), Lee Man-yeol (independent chairman of the Citizens’ Coalition, former chairman of the National Institute of Korean History), Lee Bu-yeong (chairman of the Dong-A Struggle Committee), Lee Bu-yeong (former chairman of the Korean Teachers and Education Workers’ Union), Lee Seon-jong (senior priest of Won Buddhism), Lee Su-ho (former chairman of the Jeon Tae-il Foundation), Lee Wan-ki (CEO of the New Media Forum), Lee Woo-jae (Honorary Chairman of the Woljinhoe of Maeheon Yun Bong-gil), Lee Hae-dong (Senior Pastor), Lee Hae-hak (Pastor), Lee Hyeon-bae (Standing Representative of People Promoting the Neutralization of the Korean Peninsula), Lee Hye-kyung (Chairman of the Women’s Culture and Arts Planning), Lim Jae-kyung (First Editor-in-Chief of the Hankyoreh), Lim Jin-taek (Master of Pansori, Former Chairman of the Gyeonggi Arts Center), Lim Heon-yeong (Literary Critic, Director of the Institute for Research in Collaborationist Activities), Jang Yeong-dal (Former President of Woosuk University, Former Member of the National Assembly), Jang Yoon-hwan (Member of the Dong-A Ilbo, Key Figure of the October 24 Free Press Movement), Jang Im-won (Professor Emeritus of Chung-Ang University College of Medicine, First Chairman of the Korean Council for the Advancement of the Press), Jeon Jin-woo (Representative of the National Assembly for the Emergency Press, Dismissed Journalist in 1980), Jeon Hong-jun (Doctor, Director of the Gwangju Hana Integrated Hospital), Jeong Kang-ja (Former Co-CEO of People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy), Jeong Seong-heon (Chairman of the Korea DMZ Peace and Life Park, Former President of the New Village Movement), Jeong Se-hyun (former Minister of Unification), Jeong Yeon-ju (member of the Dong-A Ilbo Committee, former KBS president), Jeong Ji-young (film director, former professor of media studies at Korea University), Jeong Jin-woo (pastor, steering committee chairman of the Christian group to end Yoon Seok-yeol’s tyranny), Jeong Hee-seong (poet, former chairman of the National Literature Writers Association), Jo Seong-woo (chairman of Gyeorehana), Jo Seong-ho (chairman of the Free Press Practice Foundation), Jo Yeong-seon (lawyer, former chairman of Minbyun), Chae Hee-wan (professor emeritus at Pusan National University, director of the Institute for National Aesthetics), Chun Yeong-se (steering committee member of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions), Choi Gi-sik (priest, former chairman of the Justice Foundation), Choi Byeong-mo (lawyer, chairman of the The Future Research Institute), Choi Soon-young (former YH Trading union branch head, former National Assembly member of the Democratic Labor Party), Choi Seung-ho (former president of MBC), Pyo Wan-soo (former CEO of SisaIN, former chairman of the Korea Press Foundation), Ham Se-woong (priest, chairman of the Ahn Jung-geun Memorial Foundation), Heo Won-bae (pastor), Hyun Ki-young (writer), Hwang Seok-young (writer), Hwang Ji-woo (poet, former president of Han Ye-jong hpf21@naver.com