
‘가짜 3.3’꼼수로 책임회피하는 쿠팡, 방관하는 정부...산재·고용보험 사각지대 내몰린 쿠팡노동자

고용노동부, 쿠팡 불법파견 근로감독 실시하고, 산재·고용보험 미신고 처분 실효성 확대해야

김충열 정치전문기자 | 기사입력 2024/07/11 [11:43]

더불어민주당 노동존중실천 국회의원단(단장 서영교 의원)이 11일 오전 국회 소통관에서 기자회견을 갖고 쿠팡 등 하청 물류·택배 노동자의 산재·고용보험 미가입 문제 해결 필요성을 강조하며 고용노동부에 쿠팡 불법파견 의혹 근로감독 실시를 촉구했다. 


김주영 간사는 “고용노동부와 근로복지공단은 전수조사 절차를 투명하게 공개하지 않았으며, 국회 설명 요구에도 미흡한 답변을 반복하고 있다”며, “사업장별 과태료는 미미한 수준으로 사회보험 미가입 처분 실효성이 부족하다는 지적도 제기되고 있는데 아직 후속조치와 대책 마련에 대한 구체적 계획은 나오지 않은 상황”이라고 밝혔다.  © 김충열 정치전문기자


최근 고용노동부와 근로복지공단은 쿠팡의 물류 자회사인 쿠팡로지스틱스서비스(CLS) 528개 위탁영업점, 11개 물류센터 위탁업체를 대상으로 사회보험 미가입 현황을 전수 조사한 결과를 내놨다. 이에 따르면 2만명이 넘는 노동자가 산재·고용보험에 가입하지 못한 채 일을 해 온 것이 드러났다.


또한 언론을 통해 쿠팡CLS의 택배노동자 직접업무지시 정황이 드러나고 있는데도 고용노동부는 산재·고용보험 미가입 문제와 관련해 하청업체에 대한 근로감독과 불법파견 여부 확인을 기민하게 실시하지 않고 있는 상태다.


지난 3일 근로복지공단의 발표에 따르면, 약 5개월간(’23.12.20.~’24.5.30.) 실시된 조사결과에 따라 “보험관계 미성립 택배영업점 90개소에 대해 성립조치하고, 미신고 근로자 및 노무제공자 40,948명(산재보험 20,868명, 고용보험 20,080명)에 대해 보험 가입 처리했으며, 누락보험료 47억3천7백만원(산재보험 20억2천2백만원, 고용보험 27억1천5백만원)을 부과하고, 과태료 2억9천6백만원(산재보험 1억4천5백만원, 고용보험 1억5천1백만원)을 부과 의뢰할 예정이다.


사회를 맡은 김주영 민주당 환경노동위원회 간사는 “고용노동부와 근로복지공단은 전수조사 절차를 투명하게 공개하지 않았으며, 국회 설명 요구에도 미흡한 답변을 반복하고 있다”며, “사업장별 과태료는 미미한 수준으로 사회보험 미가입 처분 실효성이 부족하다는 지적도 제기되고 있는데 아직 후속조치와 대책 마련에 대한 구체적 계획은 나오지 않은 상황”이라고 밝혔다.


이어 정진우 권리찾기유니온 위원장은 “쿠팡 사업장의 노동 문제를 해결하는 것이 근로감독의 목적이라면, 근로감독의 1차 대상은 쿠팡(CLS)이 되어야 한다”며, “본사와 실질적인 사업주에게 책임을 묻지 않는다면, 근로기준법 없이 사업할 수 있는 위장고용은 더 심각하게 대세가 될 것”이라고 지적했다.


정 위원장은 “대놓고 쏟아지는 가짜 3.3 채용공고와 불법적 노무컨설팅을 중단시킬 긴급한 대응을 국회에 촉구한다”며, “가짜 3.3 천만시대를 막아낼 근본 해법은 결국 근로기준법과 4대보험 개혁 등 법제도 개혁이라는 점을 기억하고, 법의 사각지대에서 일하는 노동자들의 비참한 현실을 개선하기 위한 사회적 대안 논의를 적극적으로 진행해야 한다”고 강조했다.


노동인권 실현을 위한 노무사모임 최강연 공인노무사는 “쿠팡 가짜 3.3은 쿠팡에서 일하는 사람들에 대한 농락이자 기만”이라며 “원래 납부했어야 할 보험료를 부과하고, 과태료 몇 푼 내게 한다고 해서 이번 사건이 끝났다고 생각하면 안 된다”고 강조했다.


또한 “CLS는 배송위탁계약을 맺은 영업점에 수행률을 일방적으로 제기하고 그것을 달성하지 못하면 ‘클렌징’이라는 이름으로 배송 구역을 일방적으로 회수한다”며 “그렇기에 위탁업체 전수조사와 근로감독에 그칠 것이 아니라, 원청인 쿠팡 CLS에 대해 가짜 3.3 고용과 불법파견 여부를 근로감독하고 그 책임을 물어야 한다”고 원청의 책임을 강조했다. 


기자회견문을 나누어 낭독한 김남근·박홍배·이용우 의원은 “노동시장에서 횡행하는 가짜 3.3을 해결하기 위해서는 여전히 많은 과제가 남아있다”며 고용노동부와 관계부처의 철저한 근로감독과 위법행위 수사 및 엄벌을 촉구했다.


첫 번째로 “고용노동부가 원청인 쿠팡 CLS의 개입과 불법파견 여부에 대해 근로감독에 나서야 한다”고 원청에 책임을 물을 것을 강조하고 물류센터 전반의 고용 실태 감독과 위법행위 엄벌을 촉구했다.


이어 “산재. 고용보험 미신고 방지 대책의 실효성을 강화하고, 국민건강보험공단과 국민연금공단은 사회보험 신고 의무를 다하지 않은 사업장에 대한 근로복지공단의 수사의뢰 협조에 응하라”고도 강조했다. 


특히 “지난해 쿠팡 제주 캠프의 경우 1,652명의 산재보험과 1,594명의 고용보험 미신고가 드러났지만, 과태료는 523만 원에 불과해 제재 실효성이 부족하다”고 지적했다. 4대 보험 가입 의무를 면탈하고, 적발되면 약간의 과태료만 내는 것이 오히려 이득이라는 시그널을 주는 일이라는 것이다.


국회 차원의 법제도 개선도 약속했다. “근로기준법상 노동자와 사용자 범위를 확대해서, 근로계약 체결의 형식적 당사자가 아니라 노동조건에 실질적·지배적 영향력이 있는 사람은 근로기준법상 ‘사용자’에 포함하고, 사업소득 등 국세청의 과세정보 제공을 근로기준법에 명시해야 한다”고 언급했다.


마지막으로 “이번 전수조사를 독버섯처럼 퍼진 가짜 3.3을 막는 노동 행정의 시작점으로 삼아, 노동권 차별 지대를 양산하는 가짜 3.3을 막고 일하는 사람 모두가 노동권을 존중받을 수 있도록 국회가 더욱 힘쓰겠다”고 밝혔다. 


이 날 기자회견에는 더불어민주당 김주영·박정·김남근·박홍배·이용우 의원이 참석했으며, 권리찾기유니온 정진우 위원장과 노동인권 실현을 위한 노무사모임 최강연 공인노무사가 참석했다. hpf21@naver.com


* 아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.

*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.


Coupang evades responsibility with ‘fake 3.3’ trick, government turns a blind eye... Coupang workers are pushed into the blind spot of industrial accident compensation and employment insurance

Ministry of Employment and Labor should conduct labor supervision of Coupang’s illegal dispatch and expand the effectiveness of punishment for non-reporting of industrial accident compensation and employment insurance


On the morning of the 11th, the Democratic Party of Korea’s Labor Respect and Practice National Assembly Members’ Group (Director Seo Young-kyo) held a press conference at the National Assembly Communication Center, emphasizing the need to resolve the issue of non-subscription to industrial accident compensation and employment insurance for subcontracted logistics and delivery workers, including Coupang, and urged the Ministry of Employment and Labor to conduct labor supervision on suspicions of illegal dispatch by Coupang.


Recently, the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service released the results of a comprehensive investigation into the status of non-subscription to social insurance for 528 consignment sales outlets and 11 logistics center consignment companies of Coupang Logistics Service (CLS), Coupang’s logistics subsidiary. According to this, it was revealed that over 20,000 workers have been working without being enrolled in industrial accident compensation and employment insurance.


Also, even though the media has revealed the situation of Coupang CLS directly directing delivery workers, the Ministry of Employment and Labor is not promptly conducting labor supervision of subcontractors and checking for illegal dispatching related to the issue of non-enrollment in industrial accident compensation and employment insurance.


According to the announcement by the Korea Workers' Compensation and Welfare Service on the 3rd, based on the results of an investigation conducted over approximately 5 months ('23.12. 20. ~'24.5. 30.), "90 delivery service outlets that did not have insurance relationships were established, insurance was applied to 40,948 unreported workers and labor providers (20,868 for industrial accident insurance and 20,080 for employment insurance), and 4.737 billion won in missing insurance premiums (2.022 billion won for industrial accident insurance and 2.715 billion won for employment insurance) were imposed, and a penalty of 296 million won (145 million won for industrial accident insurance and 151 million won for employment insurance) will be requested for imposition. Kim Joo-young, the Democratic Party’s Environment and Labor Committee secretary in charge of society, said, “The Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service have not transparently disclosed the comprehensive investigation procedures, and have repeatedly given inadequate answers to requests for explanations from the National Assembly.” He added, “The fines for each workplace are minimal, and there are also claims that the effectiveness of the social insurance non-subscription penalty is lacking, but there are no specific plans for follow-up measures and countermeasures yet.”


Next, Jeong Jin-woo, the chairman of the Rights Search Union, said, “If the purpose of labor supervision is to resolve labor issues at Coupang workplaces, Coupang (CLS) should be the primary target of labor supervision,” and pointed out, “If the headquarters and the actual business owners are not held accountable, disguised employment that allows businesses to operate without the Labor Standards Act will become a more serious trend.” Chairman Jeong emphasized, “We urge the National Assembly to urgently respond to stop the fake 3.3 job postings and illegal labor consulting that are being blatantly posted,” and “We must remember that the fundamental solution to stop the era of fake 3.3 million is ultimately the reform of the legal system, including the Labor Standards Act and the reform of the four major insurances, and we must actively discuss social alternatives to improve the miserable reality of workers who work in blind spots of the law.”


Choi Kang-yeon, a certified labor attorney at the Labor Attorneys’ Association for the Realization of Labor Rights, emphasized, “Coupang’s fake 3.3 is a joke and deception of Coupang’s workers,” and “We should not think that this incident is over just because they are charging insurance premiums that should have been paid and charging a few pennies in late fees.”


In addition, “CLS unilaterally demands a performance rate from the sales office that signed the delivery consignment contract, and if it fails to achieve it, it unilaterally reclaims the delivery area in the name of ‘cleansing,’” and “Therefore, we should not stop at a full-scale investigation of the consignment company and labor supervision, but should conduct labor supervision on Coupang CLS, the main contractor, to determine whether there was fake 3.3 employment and illegal dispatch, and hold them accountable,” emphasizing the responsibility of the main contractor.


Rep. Kim Nam-geun, Park Hong-bae, and Lee Yong-woo, who read the press release separately, said, “There are still many tasks remaining to resolve the fake 3.3 rampant in the labor market,” and urged the Ministry of Employment and Labor and related ministries to thoroughly supervise labor, investigate illegal acts, and punish them severely.


First, they emphasized that “the Ministry of Employment and Labor should conduct labor supervision on Coupang CLS, the main contractor, for its involvement and illegal dispatch,” and urged the main contractor to be held accountable, and to supervise the employment situation in all logistics centers and punish illegal acts severely.


They continued, “Industrial accidents. He also emphasized, “We should strengthen the effectiveness of measures to prevent non-reporting of employment insurance, and the National Health Insurance Service and the National Pension Service should cooperate with the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service’s investigation request for workplaces that have not fulfilled their social insurance reporting obligations.”


In particular, he pointed out, “In the case of Coupang Jeju Camp last year, 1,652 industrial accident insurance and 1,594 employment insurance non-reporting cases were revealed, but the fine was only 5.23 million won, so the sanctions were ineffective.” He said that it would send a signal that it is advantageous to avoid the obligation to subscribe to the four major insurances and only pay a small fine if caught.


He also promised to improve the legal system at the National Assembly level. He mentioned, “We should expand the scope of workers and employers under the Labor Standards Act, so that those who are not formal parties to the conclusion of an employment contract but have actual and dominant influence over labor conditions are included as ‘employers’ under the Labor Standards Act, and the provision of tax information to the National Tax Service, such as business income, should be specified in the Labor Standards Act.”


Lastly, he stated, “We will use this comprehensive investigation as a starting point for labor administration to block the fake 3.3 that has spread like a mushroom, and the National Assembly will work harder to block the fake 3.3 that is creating areas of labor rights discrimination and ensure that all workers have their labor rights respected.”


The press conference that day was attended by Democratic Party of Korea lawmakers Kim Joo-young, Park Jeong, Kim Nam-geun, Park Hong-bae, and Lee Yong-woo, as well as Rights Finding Union Chairman Jeong Jin-woo and Certified Labor Attorney Choi Kang-yeon of the Labor Attorneys’ Association for the Realization of Labor Rights. hpf21@naver.com



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