브레이크뉴스 정민우 기자= 한국마사회는 말산업 분야 창업 활성화 및 생태계 확장을 위해?올해로 4회째 개최해 오고 있는 ‘말산업 창업경진대회’의 수상자가 선정됐다고 밝혔다.
이미 앞선 세 번의 대회를 통해 총 52개의 창업 아이템이 발굴됐고, 이 중 승마예약 앱 ‘말타’, NFT 및 조각거래 플랫폼 ‘말만해’를 포함해 약 20여 팀이 실제 창업에 성공했다.
올해도 흥미로운 아이템들이 여럿 등장했다. 이 중 대상의 영예를 안은 아이템은 ‘신속한 말 질병관리를 위한 통합형 현장진단센서(유호정/광주과학기술원)’다.
말 사육두수가 많은 미국, 유럽 등지에서 말인플루엔자 질병이 지속발생하고 국내유입도 우려되는 상황에서, 기존의 신속항원검사보다 빠르고 PCR검사보다 저렴하지만 검출력은 100배 이상 증가됐다고 밝힌 이 진단기술은 높은 차별성을 인정받으며 대상으로 선정됐다.
이 외에도 승마고객의 기록을 기승분석, 랭킹, 영상 등으로 제공함으로써 고객의 흥미를 지속시키고 정기적 승마이용인구 확대에 기여할 수 있는 ‘승마의 게이미피케이션 및 대중화(정성헌/홀텍)’가 최우수상을, 음악과 승마교육을 접목한 ‘Equine Music Program(허안/제주한라대)’가 우수상을 수상했다.
한국마사회 관계자는 “이번 대회에서는 빅데이터와 IT기술을 접목한 말산업 첨단화 아이템에서 창의성과 예술성이 결합된 아이템까지 다양한 아이디어가 도출됐다”며 “향후 한국농업기술진흥원과의 협업을 통해 집중지원 및 조기창업을 유도해 나갈 예정이다”고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Korea Racing Association, ‘state-of-the-art equine infectious disease diagnostic kit’ selected as the grand prize at the horse industry startup competition
Break News Reporter Jeong Min-woo= The Korea Racing Authority announced that the winners of the ‘Horse Industry Startup Contest’, which has been held for the 4th time this year to revitalize start-ups and expand the ecosystem in the horse industry, have been selected.
A total of 52 startup items have already been discovered through the previous three competitions, and about 20 teams, including horseback riding reservation app ‘Malta’ and NFT and piece trading platform ‘Malmanhae’, have actually succeeded in starting a business.
Several interesting items appeared this year as well. Among these, the item that received the honor of the grand prize was ‘Integrated field diagnostic sensor for rapid horse disease management (Ho-Jeong Yoo/Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology).’
In a situation where equine influenza disease continues to occur in countries such as the United States and Europe, where many horses are raised, and there are concerns about its introduction into the country, this diagnostic technology, which is faster than the existing rapid antigen test and cheaper than the PCR test, but is said to have increased detection power by more than 100 times, is a high-quality diagnostic technology. It was recognized for its differentiation and was selected as the grand prize winner.
In addition, 'Gamification and Popularization of Horseback Riding (Seongheon Jeong/Holtec)', which maintains customer interest and contributes to the expansion of the population of regular horseback riding users by providing horseback riding customers' records through riding analysis, rankings, videos, etc., won the grand prize. The 'Equine Music Program (Heoan/Jeju Halla University)', which combines music and horseback riding education, won the Excellence Award.
An official from the Korea Racing Authority said, “In this competition, a variety of ideas were developed, from items that advance the horse industry by combining big data and IT technology to items that combine creativity and artistry,” and added, “We will provide intensive support and support through collaboration with the Korea Agricultural Technology Promotion Agency in the future.” “We plan to encourage early startups,” he said.