
전남교육자치플랫폼 2일 출범

주민직선1~2기 전남교육청 비서실장 출신 김대중 준비위원 대표 선출…전직 전남교육청 교육국장, 행정국장, 교육장 등 교육계 인사 대거 참여

이학수기자 | 기사입력 2021/09/02 [16:14]

(무안=브레이크뉴스) 이학수 기자= 전남교육자치플랫폼이 2일 출범식을 갖고 본격적인 활동을 시작했다.


목포 시네마라운지MM에서 열린 이날 출범식에서는 노무현재단 운영위원과, 목포시의회의장, 주민직선1~2기 전남교육청 비서실장을 지낸 김대중 준비위원이 대표로 선출됐다.


전남교육자치플랫폼에는 곽종월 전 전남도교육청 교육국장을 비롯해 교육국장, 행정국장, 교육장 출신 인사들이 대거 참여해 눈길을 끌었다.


또한 전교조 전남지부장, 전남교육청 노조위원장을 지낸 인사들과 교육공무직 노조, 학부모단체 대표 등 교육 분야 각계 인사가 회원으로 참여했다.


현직 전남도의회의원들도 다수가 참여했고, 전남지역 대학 교수, 총학생회장, 시민사회단체 인사들도 이름을 올렸다. 9월 2일 현재 전남교육자치플랫폼에 참여한 회원들은 모두 3,100여명이다.


김대중 대표는 “전남교육자치플랫폼은 사회적 대타협을 통한 전남의 미래비전 창출과, 이를 위한 맞춤형 인재양성 프로그램 개발을 목표로 하고 있다. 이러한 과정을 통해 전남형 교육자치를 실현해 나가겠다”고 밝혔다. 또한 “대선 후보들의 교육관련 공약을 검증하고, 교육자치의 기반을 확대해 나가겠다”고 말했다.


전남교육자치플랫폼은 페이스북 그룹 등 사회관계망 서비스를 통한 소통의 공간을 먼저 마련하고, 장기적으로 정책협의와 실행, 피드백이 가능한 플랫폼을 구축해 나간다는 계획이다.


이날 출범식은 코로나 3단계 연장에 따라 행사를 축소하고 유튜브를 통해 실시간으로 영상중계했다.


<주요 참여인사 명단, 가나다 순>


강동식(전 신안교육청 행정지원과장), 강두중(순천대 산학협력위원), 강종구(순천대 교수), 강춘산(전 목포교육장), 강행식(목포시학부모총연합회장), 고광운(전 곡성교육장), 고석규(전남인재평생교육진흥원장), 곽종월(전 전남교육청 교육국장), 권길복(전 진도교육장), 권영길(전 화순교육장), 김갑수(재광완도향우회장), 김건호(전 전남고흥평생교육관장), 김기정(전 전남교육청 행정국장), 김무영(서남권균형발전연구이사장), 김민곤(전 전남도의원), 김범석(전 교장), 김복휴(전 나주공공도서관장), 김삼열(전 목포지방해양수산청장), 김상윤(전 장성교육장), 김선태(김대중 노벨평화상기념관장), 김성두(전남중앙신문사장), 김성일(전남도의원), 김승진(전 목포참교육학부모회장), 김영숙(교장), 김영형(전 영광교육장), 김용규(순천대 교수), 김용신(전 전남교육청 행정국장), 김용찬(전 전남교육청 감사관), 김우섭(전남문화예술협동조합 이사), 김을남(곡성군의원), 김재원(전 나주공공도서관장), 김점수(전 장성공공도서관장), 김정구(전 교장), 김정욱(순천만생태관광연구소장), 김정춘(신안도초섬생태연구소장), 김제형(전 신안교육장), 김진영(목포체육회 이사), 김찬중(교장), 김판수(전 전남교육청 과장), 김형규(전 교장), 김형철(남도에코센터대표), 김홍범(전 도초고 운영위원장), 김화수(전 교장), 김화현(전 전남교육연수원장), 김희준(전 교장), 나광국(전남도의원), 나동주(전 영광교육장), 노형석(전 함평교육장), 문상옥(전 신안교육장), 문창부(목포의정회 회장), 문춘길(목포미술협회 회장), 민병성(목포신안경우회 자문위원), 박갑수(전 교장), 박기홍(전교조 전남 초등위원장), 박남영(전 무안교육장), 박동길(목포시청 과장), 박문옥(전남도의원), 박병이(전 교장), 박선미(전 목포교육장), 박승기(광양축구협회 회장), 박용(목포시의원), 박용식(목포시의원), 박윤성(전 전남교육청 과장), 박종태(교장), 박창수(목포시의회의장), 박흥수(전 교장), 배성완(전 목포대교수), 서병연(화순도곡농협조합장), 서정열(사. 전남문화연구소 이사장), 서행조(전 목포YMCA 이사장), 석종안(교장), 소병화(순천고 총동문회장), 송병천(전 전남교육연수원장), 송재옥(전 교장, 전 예파회 회장), 송재주(전남동부 동일생활권 구축연대 대표), 신광수(여수한영대 교수), 신대운(전 전남시민단체연대회의 대표), 신대정(전 강진교육장), 신일성(전 행복교육시민모임 사무총장), 안철주(전 교장), 양승규(전 여주경찰서장), 양승주(전 목포대교수), 양종훈(전 교장), 양진용(전 무안교육장), 오성문(세향교회 목사), 오안란(전 교장), 오영복(전 전남교육청 서기관), 오영석(전 전교조 목포지회장), 오영희(전 전남여성단체협의회장), 오의종(전남동부 동일생활권 구축연대), 왕명석(전 장흥교육장), 우승희(전남도의원), 위내환(전 교장, 전 한국학교발명협회 사무국장), 유권철(전 완도교육장), 유연명(전 전남교육연수원부장), 유재길(전 목포시의정회장), 윤건상(목사), 윤남순(전 보성교육장), 윤동화(전 교장, 순천청소년수련원장), 윤석권(전 교장), 윤영민(화순군의원), 윤현식(전남국제수묵비엔날레운영위원), 이강섭(전 교장), 이경범(전 전남교육청 서기관), 이경석(전 교장), 이계갑(전 교장), 이귀준(교장), 이극래(전 한신대 이사장), 이기희(전 전남교육청 서기관), 이병수(전 전남교육청 서기관), 이상철(전남도의원), 이상현(전 전남산악연맹회장), 이상훈(국립청소년우주센터원장), 이선종(교장), 이수영(전 전남교육청 과장), 이재양(교장), 이종범(전 전라남도교육청 행정국장), 이주홍(목포위생물수건 대표), 이지영(문화예술협동조합 해마루 이사장), 이춘웅(더불어민주당 전남도당 상임고문), 이현창(전남도의원), 임건우(순천대 총학생회장), 임경숙(목포환경운동연합 사무총장), 임영수(전남도의원), 임용수(전남도의원), 임용운(전 전남교육청 과장), 임태준(전 전남교육청 교육국장), 장길선(전 구례교육장), 장미숙(전 전남교육청 장학사), 장서연(전 전남교육청 서기관), 장세일(전남도의원), 장시준(전 구례교육장), 전경선(전남도의원), 전성룡(목포의정회 사무총장), 정귀남(전 장흥교육장), 정기성(전 목포대 총학생회장), 정순관(전 대통령소속 자치분권위원회 위원장), 정승권(소망복지원), 정연국(전 전교조 전남지부장), 정영배(전 보성교육장), 정은애(만인계마을기업 이사), 정은채(목포과학대 교수), 정인상(전 신안교육장), 정일용(전남신문발행인), 정춘봉(전 국제와이즈맨 전남지구 서해중지방장), 정혜중(전국여성노동조합 광주전남지부 부지부장), 정희택(전 교장), 제갈경희(만인계 마을기업이사장), 조규태(전 교장), 조기원(광주대 겸임교수), 조기호(전 목포문인협회 회장), 조옥성(전 여수시체육회 사무국장), 조옥현(전남도의원), 조옥희(민주평통 전남지역회의부의장), 조재훈(전 전남교육청 서기관), 조종열(전 재광화순향우회 사무국장), 조창호(전 교장), 조홍석(전 전남교육청 서기관), 주인철(목포YMCA 사무총장), 주재갑(전 국제와이즈맨 전남지구 서해중지방장), 채종석(파시컴 대표), 천정배(전 법무부장관), 최병만(전 교장), 최선국(전남도의원), 최성수(전 여수교육장), 최운성(전남교육청 공무원노조위원장), 최원섭(전 전남교육청 행정국장), 최은식(전 진도교육장), 최장락(전 해남교육장), 최형주(전 목포시의원), 한동호(전 전남교육청 과장), 한택희(전 전남도의원)


아래는 위의 글을 구글번역이 번역한 영문의 <전문>이다. Below is an English translated by Google Translate.


Jeonnam Education Autonomous Platform launched on the 2nd

Kim Dae-jung, the former head of the Secretariat of the Jeonnam Office of Education for the 1st and 2nd straight residents' election, was elected as the representative of the preparatory committee... Ex-Jeonnam Office of Education Director of Education, Administrative Director, Education Superintendent, etc. participated in large numbers


(Muan = Break News) Reporter Lee Hak-soo = Jeonnam Education Autonomous Platform held a launching ceremony on the 2nd and started its activities in earnest.


At the inauguration ceremony held at Mokpo Cinema Lounge MM, Roh Moo-hyung Foundation Steering Committee member, Mokpo City Council Chairman, and Kim Dae-jung, a preparatory member who served as the secretary of the Jeonnam Office of Education for the 1st and 2nd term of direct election for residents, were elected as representatives.


The Jeonnam Education Autonomous Platform attracted attention with the participation of Kwak Jong-wol, the former head of the Education Bureau of the Jeonnam Provincial Office of Education, as well as the heads of education bureaus, administrative bureaucrats, and education leaders.


In addition, members from all walks of life in the education field, such as the head of the Jeonnam branch of the Korean Teachers' Union, the former chairman of the labor union of the Jeonnam Office of Education, the education civil service union, and representatives of parents' organizations participated as members.


Many incumbent Jeollanam-do legislators also participated, and professors from universities in Jeollanam-do, the president of the student body, and members of civil society organizations were also named. As of September 2, a total of 3,100 members participated in the Jeonnam Education Autonomous Platform.


CEO Dae-Jung Kim said, “The Jeonnam Education Autonomous Platform aims to create a future vision for Jeollanam-do through great social compromise and to develop customized talent nurturing programs for this purpose. Through this process, we will realize Jeonnam-style educational autonomy.” He also said, "We will verify the education-related pledges of presidential candidates and expand the foundation for educational autonomy."


The Jeonnam Education Autonomous Platform plans to first prepare a space for communication through social network services such as Facebook groups, and build a platform that enables policy consultation, implementation and feedback in the long term.


The inauguration ceremony was shortened due to the extension of the third phase of the corona virus and the video was broadcast in real time through YouTube.




Dongsik Kang (Former Head of Administrative Support Division, Shinan Office of Education), Doojoong Kang (Member of Industry-University Cooperation, Sunchon National University), Jong-Gu Kang (Professor of Sunchon University), Chun-San Kang (Former Mokpo Education Center), Haeng-Sik Kang (President of Mokpo City Parents’ Federation), Gwang-Woon Ko (Former Gokseong Education Center), Seok-Gyu Ko (Jeonnam) Talent Lifelong Education Promotion Center), Jong-Wol Kwak (Former Director of Education Bureau, Jeonnam Office of Education), Gil-Bok Kwon (Former Director of Jindo Education Center), Yeong-Gil Kwon (Former Director of Education in Hwasun), Gap-Soo Kim (Chairman of Gwangwan-Do Hyangwoo Jae), Gun-Ho Kim (Former Director of Lifelong Education Center in Goheung, Jeollanam-Do), Ki-Jeong Kim ( Jeonnam Office of Education Administrative Director), Kim Moo-young (Chairman of the Southwest Region Balanced Development Research), Kim Min-gon (Jeonnam Provincial Assemblyman), Kim Beom-seok (former principal), Kim Bok-hye (former Naju Public Library Director), Kim Sam-yeol (former Mokpo Regional Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Administration), Kim Sang-yun (former head of Mokpo Regional Office of Oceans and Fisheries) Jangseong Education Center), Kim Seon-tae (Kim Dae-jung Director of the Nobel Peace Prize Memorial Hall), Kim Seong-doo (Jeonnam JoongAng Newspaper President), Kim Seong-il (Jeonnam Provincial Assemblyman), Kim Seung-jin (former president of Mokpo True Education Parents), Kim Young-suk (Principal), Kim Young-hyeong (former Youngwang Education Center), Kim Yong-gyu ( Professor at Sunchon National University), Yong-Shin Kim (Former Director General of the Jeonnam Office of Education), Yong-Chan Kim (Former Auditor of the Jeonnam Office of Education), Woo-Seop Kim (Director of the Jeonnam Culture and Arts Cooperative), Eul-Nam Kim (Gokseong-gun), Jae-Won Kim (Former Director of Naju Public Library), Jeom-Soo Kim (Former General Manager) Public library director), Kim Jung-gu (former principal), Kim Jeong-wook (Suncheon Bay Ecotourism Research Institute), Kim Jeong-chun (Shinando Choseom Ecology Research Institute), Kim Je-hyeong (former Shinan Education Center), Kim Jin-young (Mokpo Sports Association Director), Kim Chan-joong (Principal), Pan-su Kim (former head of the Jeonnam Office of Education), Hyung-gyu Kim (former principal), Hyung-cheol Kim (representative of Namdo Eco Center), Hong-beom Kim (former chairman of Docho High School), Hwa-su Kim (former principal), Hwa-hyeon Kim (former head of Jeonnam Education and Training Institute), Hee-jun Kim (former principal) , Kwang-guk Na (Cheolnam Provincial Councilor), Dong-ju Na (former Yeonggwang Education Center), Hyung-seok Noh (former Hampyeong Education Center), Sang-ok Moon (former Shinan Education Center), Chang-bu Moon (President of Mokpo Council), Chun-gil Moon (President of Mokpo Art Association), Byeong-seong Min (Mokpo Shinan) Case Council Advisory Committee member), Park Gap-soo (former principal), Park Ki-hong (former head of the Jeonnam Elementary School), Park Nam-young (former Muan Education Center), Park Dong-gil (manager of Mokpo City Hall), Park Moon-ok (Jeonnam Provincial Assemblyman), Park Byung-i (former principal), Park Seon-mi (former Mokpo Education Center) Education Center), Park Seung-gi (President of Gwangyang Football Association), Park Yong (Mokpo City Councilman), Park Yong-shik (Mokpo City Councilor), Park Yun-seong (Chonnam Office of Education), Park Jong-tae (Principal), Park Chang-su (Mokpo City Council President), Park Heung-soo (former Principal), Bae Seong-wan (Former Professor of Mokpo University ), Seo Byeong-yeon (President of Hwasun Dogok Agricultural Cooperative Association), Seo Jeong-yeol (G. Jeonnam Cultural Research Institute), Haeng-jo Seo (former president of Mokpo YMCA), Jong-an Seok (principal), Byeong-hwa So (president of Suncheon High Alumni Association), Byeong-cheon Song (former president of Jeonnam Education and Training Institute), Jae-ok Song (former principal, president of Yepahoe), Jae-joo Song (CEO of the Coalition for Building the Same Living Area in Eastern Jeolla Province), Shin Kwang-soo (Professor of Hanyeong University in Yeosu), Shin Dae-woon (CEO of Jeonnam Civic Association), Shin Dae-jeong (Former Gangjin Education Center), Shin Il-sung (Former Secretary General of the Citizens’ Association for Happiness Education), Ahn Cheol-ju (former principal), Seung-gyu Yang (former head of Yeoju Police Station), Seung-ju Yang (former professor of Mokpo University), Jong-hoon Yang (former principal), Jin-yong Yang (former Muan Education Principal), Seong-moon Oh (pastor of Sehyang Church), An-ran Oh (former principal), Young-bok Oh (Jeonnam Jeonnam) Office of Education secretary), Oh Young-seok (former head of the Mokpo branch of all teachers), Oh Young-hee (former president of the Jeonnam Women's Association), Oh Ui-jong (Coalition for the Establishment of the Same Living Area in the eastern Jeollanam-do), Myeong-seok Wang (former Jangheung Education Center), Seung-hee Seung (Chonnam Provincial Councilor), Nae-hwan Wi (Former principal, former secretary general of the Korean School Invention Association), Kwon-cheol Yoo (former head of Wando Education Center), Yoo Yeon-myung (former head of Jeonnam Education and Training Institute), Jae-gil Yoo (former president of Mokpo City Council), Gun-sang Yoon (pastor), Nam-soon Yoon (former head of Boseong Education Center) , Donghwa Yoon (former principal, Suncheon Youth Training Center), Seok-kwon Yoon (former principal), Young-min Yoon (member of Hwasun County), Hyunsik Yoon (committee of the Jeonnam International Ink Biennale), Kang-seop Lee (former principal), Kyung-beom Lee (former secretary of the Jeonnam Office of Education), Kyung-seok Lee ( Former Principal), Lee Gye-Gap (Former Principal), Lee Gwi-Jun (Principal), Lee Guk-Rae (Former Hanshin University Chairman), Lee Ki-Hee (Chonnam Office of Education), Lee Byung-Soo (Former Secretary of the Jeonnam Office of Education), Lee Sang-Cheol (Chonnam Provincial Councilor), Lee Sang-Hyun (Jeonnam Mountain Federation) Chairman), Sang-Hoon Lee (Director of the National Youth Space Center), Seon-Jong Lee (Principal), Su-Young Lee (Former Manager of the Jeonnam Office of Education), Jae-Yang Lee (Principal), Jong-Beom Lee (Former Director of the Jeollanam-Do Office of Education), Ju-Hong Lee (CEO of Mokpo Sanitary Towel), Ji-Young Lee ( Culture and Arts Cooperative Chairman Haemaru), Lee Chun-woong (and also the Democratic Party of Jeonnam Provincial Advisory Committee), Lee Hyun-chang (Chunnam Provincial Assemblyman), Lim Kun-woo (Suncheon National University Student Council President), Lim Gyeong-sook (Mokpo Environmental Movement Federation Secretary General), Lim Young-soo (Cheonnam-do Assemblyman), Lim Yong-su (Jeonnam-do) Assemblyman), Lim Yong-Woon (Former Director of Jeonnam Office of Education), Lim Tae-Jun (Former Director of Education Bureau of Jeonnam Office of Education), Jang Gil-Seon (Former Gurye Education Center), Jang Mi-Suk (Jeonnam Office of Education Scholar), Jang Seo-Yeon (Former Secretary of the Jeonnam Office of Education), Jang Se-Il (Jeonnam Provincial Councilor),Si-jun Jang (former Gurye Education Center), Jeon Gyeong-seon (Chunnam Provincial Assemblyman), Jeon Seong-ryong (Mokpo Council General), Jeong Gwi-nam (former Jangheung Education Center), Jung Ki-seong (former Mokpo University Student Council President), Jeong Soon-kwan (former president of the Autonomy and Decentralization Committee), Jeong Seung-gwon (Somang) Welfare Center), Jeong Yeon-guk (former head of Jeonnam Branch), Jeong Young-bae (former Boseong Education Center), Jeong Eun-ae (Manin-gye Village Enterprise Director), Jung Eun-chae (Mokpo Science University Professor), Jeong In-sang (former Sinan Education Center), Jung Il-yong (Jeonnam Newspaper Publisher), Jeong Chun-bong (former) International Y's Man Jeonnam District Seohae Middle District Manager), Jeong Hye-joong (deputy head of the Gwangju Jeonnam Branch of the National Women's Labor Union), Jeong Hee-taek (former principal), Jegal Kyung-hee (manin-gye village business president), Jo Gyu-tae (former principal), Jo Jo-won (adjunct professor at Gwangju University), Jo Ki-ho (former president of Mokpo Writers Association), Jo Ok-seong (former secretary general of Yeosu City Sports Association), Jo Ok-hyeon (Jeonnam Provincial Assemblyman), Cho Ok-hee (Chairman of the Jeonnam Regional Conference for Democracy), Cho Jae-hoon (former secretary of the Jeonnam Office of Education), Jo Jo-yeol (former Secretariat of the Re-Gwanghwa Orientation Association) Jang), Chang-ho Cho (former principal), Hong-seok Cho (clerk of the Jeonnam Office of Education), Ju-cheol Joo (director of Mokpo YMCA), Jae-gap Joo (former head of the Seohae Middle School of the Jeonnam District International Wiseman), Jong-seok Chae (CEO of Parsicom), Jeong-bae Cheon (former Minister of Justice) ), Choi Byung-man (former principal), Choi Seon-guk (Jeonnam-do lawmaker), Choi Seong-su (former Yeosu Education Center), Choi Woon-seong (Chairman of the civil servant union of the Jeonnam Office of Education), Choi Won-seop (the Jeonnam Office of Education Administrative Director), Choi Eun-sik (former Jindo Education Center), Choi Jang-rak (former) Haenam Education Center), Hyung-Joo Choi (Former Mokpo City Councilor), Dong-Ho Han (Former Director of the Jeonnam Office of Education), Taek-Hee Han (Former Member of the Jeonnam Provincial Council)

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