윤석열 대통령에 대한 공수처의 무리수가 지속되는 가운데, 탄핵소추 사유에서 내란죄를 삭제하는 문제까지 겹치며 더불어민주당 지지율이 연신 하락세를 이어가고 있다. 더욱이 카톡 검열 등 소위 '입틀막' 논란까지 불거지며 정당지지율에서 국민의힘이 민주당을 오차범위 밖에서 앞서는 것으로 집계됐다.
![]() ▲1월14일, 서울시 용산 대통령 관저 앞. ©브레이크뉴스 |
이같은 결과는 여론조사 전문기관 '한길리서치'가 '시사오늘' 의뢰를 받아 지난 11~12일 이틀간 실시한 여론조사에서 국민의힘이 41.6%를 기록하며, 31.5%에 그친 더불어민주당을 10.1%p 격차로 따돌린 것으로 나타났다. 그밖에 조국혁신당 5.5%, 개혁신당 3.1%, 진보당 1.0%, 기타정당 2.7%, ‘지지정당 없다’ 14.1%, ‘잘 모름’ 0.5%를 보였다.
이를 연령대별로 보면 만 18세 이상~20대의 경우 국민의힘 39.7% vs 민주당 30.4%. 30대는 국민의힘 46.4% vs 민주당 30.8%. 40대는 국민의힘 30.4% vs 민주당 38.7%. 50대는 국민의힘 36.1% vs 민주당 36.3%. 60대는 국민의힘 48.6% vs 민주당 27.5%. 70세 이상은 국민의힘 51.6% vs 민주당 22.9%였다.
지역별로는 서울에서 국민의힘 44.5% vs 민주당 28.6%. 부산·울산·경남에선 국민의힘 43.6% vs 민주당 27.9%. 대구·경북에선 국민의힘 48.8% vs 민주당 19.0%. 인천·경기에선 국민의힘 41.4% vs 민주당 33.5%. 충청에선 국민의힘 47.5% vs 민주당 29.5%. 강원·제주에선 국민의힘 38.5% vs 민주당 25.5%였다.
![]() ▲필자/정성태 시인. ©브레이크뉴스 |
이번 여론조사는 전국 만 18세 이상 남녀 1006명을 대상으로 진행됐으며, RDD 방식 무선 ARS 94.2%와 유선 전화면접 5.8%를 병행해서 실시했다. 응답률은 5.8%로 표본오차는 95% 신뢰수준에 ±3.1%p다. 보다 자세한 사항은 중앙선거여론조사심의위원회 홈페이지를 참조하면 된다.
* 필자 : 정성태(시인/칼럼니스트).
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Amid the controversy over KakaoTalk censorship, People Power Party 41.6% vs. Democratic Party 31.5%
- Columnist Jeong Seong-tae
As the prosecution's unreasonable actions against President Yoon Seok-yeol continue, the Democratic Party's approval rating continues to decline as the issue of removing the charge of sedition from the grounds for impeachment overlaps. Furthermore, as the controversy over the so-called 'mouth-gagging' such as KakaoTalk censorship has arisen, the People Power Party has been tallied to be ahead of the Democratic Party in party approval ratings by a margin of error.
These results were revealed in a two-day opinion poll conducted by the polling agency 'Hankyung Research' on the 11th and 12th at the request of 'Sisa Today', in which the People Power Party recorded 41.6%, beating the Democratic Party of Korea, which recorded 31.5%, by 10.1%p. In addition, the Fatherland Innovation Party had 5.5%, the Reform New Party had 3.1%, the Progressive Party had 1.0%, other parties had 2.7%, ‘no party to support’ had 14.1%, and ‘don’t know’ had 0.5%.
Looking at this by age group, for those aged 18 or older to those in their 20s, the People’s Power Party had 39.7% vs. the Democratic Party had 30.4%. For those in their 30s, the People’s Power Party had 46.4% vs. the Democratic Party had 30.8%. For those in their 40s, the People’s Power Party had 30.4% vs. the Democratic Party had 38.7%. For those in their 50s, the People’s Power Party had 36.1% vs. the Democratic Party had 36.3%. For those in their 60s, the People’s Power Party had 48.6% vs. the Democratic Party had 27.5%. For those aged 70 or older, the People’s Power Party had 51.6% vs. the Democratic Party had 22.9%.
By region, in Seoul, the People’s Power Party had 44.5% vs. the Democratic Party had 28.6%. In Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam, the People's Power Party was 43.6% vs. the Democratic Party 27.9%. In Daegu and Gyeongbuk, the People's Power Party was 48.8% vs. the Democratic Party 19.0%. In Incheon and Gyeonggi, the People's Power Party was 41.4% vs. the Democratic Party 33.5%. In Chungcheong, the People's Power Party was 47.5% vs. the Democratic Party 29.5%. In Gangwon and Jeju, the People's Power Party was 38.5% vs. the Democratic Party 25.5%.
This opinion poll was conducted on 1,006 men and women aged 18 or older nationwide, and was conducted using 94.2% RDD wireless ARS and 5.8% landline telephone interviews. The response rate was 5.8%, and the sampling error is ±3.1%p at a 95% confidence level. For more detailed information, please refer to the website of the Central Election Opinion Survey Deliberation Committee.
* Author: Jeong Seong-tae (poet/columnist)