(광주=브레이크뉴스) 이학수 기자=광주시가 ‘12·3 내란사태’로 직격탄을 맞은 민생경제에 숨을 불어넣는다. 소비위축, 경기침체로 지역 소상공인들의 시름이 깊어짐에 따라 광주시와 자치구, 공공기관, 유관단체 등은 유기적 협력을 통해 소비진작 캠페인과 공공배달앱 활성화 이벤트, 상생카드 할인율 확대 등 민생경제 살리기에 앞장선다.
광주시는 지난 12일 시청 중회의실에서 강기정 시장 주재로 ‘긴급 민생경제회의’를 개최했다.
이날 대책회의는 12·3 내란사태와 미국 트럼프정부 출범 등 경제 불확실성이 커짐에 따라 선제적으로 대응책을 마련하기 위해 개최됐다.
회의에는 강 시장을 비롯해 광주상공회의소, 광주경영자총협회, 한국여성경제인협회, 중소기업중앙회, 소상공인연합회, 한국무역협회, 시 산하공공기관 등 광주지역 경제·기관 관계자들이 참석했다.
대책회의에서는 한국은행이 ‘경제상황과 내년 경제전망’을 발표한 뒤 광주시와 각 기관별로 ‘민생경제 정책 추진방향’ 등을 공유했다.
특히 연말연시 특수가 사라져 어려움에 빠진 소상공인들을 위해 상생카드 할인율 확대, 공공배달앱 활성화 할인 프로모션 등 소비진작 방안, 중소기업 수출 판로 확대 등 유기적인 협력방안을 논의했다.
또 점심식사 직장 주변 음식점 이용하기 등 골목상권 살리기 캠페인도 모색하기로 했다.
참석자들은 “내란사태로 정치‧경제‧민생에까지 연쇄적 충격파가 전해오고 있다”며 “비상시국에 유관 기관과 단체가 한자리에 모여 기관별 상황을 공유하고 협력방안을 찾는 자리가 마련돼 다행이다. 지역 기업‧소상공인들이 어려운 시기를 잘 극복할 수 있도록 함께 노력하자”고 입을 모았다.
강기정 광주시장은 비상대책회의 후 시청 접견실에서 이복현 금융감독원장을 만나 지역경제 회생 방안 등에 대해 협조를 구했다.
강 시장은 점유율 17%로 전국 모범이 된 광주공공배달앱을 설명하고, 소상공인들에게 도움이 될 수 있도록 금융권 확대 운영을 제안했다. 또 금융권의 소상공인 특례보증 출연금 확대, 최근 개소한 산업은행 서남권투자금융센터에 대한 금융감독원 차원의 지원 등을 요청했다.
이복현 금융감독원장은 “상생과 지역 발전에 대한 고민을 많이 하고 있다”며“요청하신 사항들을 최대한 챙겨보겠다”고 말했다.
광주시는 ‘민생안정 대책반’을 가동하는 등 내란사태에 따른 피해 수습과 민생‧경제 안정, 재난 관리 등 시민생활 안정을 위해 총력을 다하고 있다.
광주시는 내년도 민생경제 회복 관련 예산으로 총 1082억원을 편성했다.
광주시는 지속되는 경제위기로 경영에 어려움을 겪고 있는 소상공인이 위기를 잘 버텨낼 수 있도록 소상공인 특례보증을 올해 1500억원에서 내년 1700억원 규모로 확대한다. 또 소액금융지원사업 신규 대출자를 위한 빛고을론 이자 지원, 저신용 소상공인을 위한 미소금융 이자 지원을 지속 시행하고 영세소상공인 중소금융권 대출 이자지원을 신규로 추진한다.
이와 함께 광주상생카드를 중단없이 운영하고 금융시장 불안에 대응해 중소기업 경영안정자금도 2700억원으로 50억원을 증액해 지원할 계획이다.
수출기업의 역량강화 및 해외 진출 촉진 사업을 지원하고 산업환경 변화에 대응할 수 있도록 소상공인 디지털 전환 사업과 특성화 시장 육성으로 상권 활성를 도모할 계획이다.
강기정 광주시장은 “수출 및 소비 감소 등 부정적인 경제전망도 있지만 캐스퍼 전기차 64개국 수출, 최근 연잇는 기업들의 광주 투자 소식 등 긍정적인 소식도 있다”며 “위기일수록 함께 힘을 모아 분위기를 만들고, 활력을 더해 위기를 극복해야 한다. 비상시국을 극복하고 민생 안정을 위해 기관이 한마음 한뜻으로 총력 대응해 달라”고 밝혔다.
한편 이날 회의에는 강기정 시장을 비롯해 채화석 광주상공회의소 상근부회장, 김동찬 광주경영자총협회 상임부회장, 이미진 한국여성경제인협회 광주지회장, 조동석 중소기업중앙회광주전남본부장, 이기성 광주소상공인연합회 회장, 김승재 광주상인연합회 회장, 이동원 한국무역협회 광주전남본부장, 박완근 한국은행 광주전남본부장, 이명진 광주전남KOTRA지원단 부단장, 이도열 소상공인시장진흥공단 광주호남지역본부장, 조우주 중소벤처기업진흥공단 광주지역본부장, 최치국 광주연구원 원장, 김현성 광주경제진흥상생일자리재단 대표이사, 김귀남 광주신용보증재단 이사장, 김영집 광주테크노파크 원장 등이 참석했다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문] 입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Mayor Kang Ki-jung of Gwangju City - Economic organizations and institutions hold 'Emergency People's Economy Meeting'
Mayor Kang "People's economy hit hard... Let's take the lead and take care of the field" Organic cooperation to stabilize people's livelihoods such as activating public delivery apps and supporting small business owners, 'leading' in consumption promotion campaigns such as using nearby restaurants for lunch
(Gwangju=Break News) Reporter Lee Hak-soo=Gwangju City is breathing life into the people's economy that was hit hard by the '12/3 civil war'. As local small business owners are deeply concerned about the decline in consumption and economic recession, Gwangju City, autonomous districts, public organizations, and related organizations are taking the lead in revitalizing the people's economy through organic cooperation, such as consumption promotion campaigns, public delivery app activation events, and expansion of Sangsaeng Card discount rates.
On the 12th, Gwangju City held an 'Emergency People's Economy Meeting' presided over by Mayor Kang Ki-jung in the City Hall conference room.
The countermeasure meeting on this day was held to preemptively prepare countermeasures in response to the growing economic uncertainty caused by the December 3 civil war and the inauguration of the Trump administration in the United States.
Mayor Kang, Gwangju Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Gwangju Employers' Federation, Korean Women Entrepreneurs Association, Korea Federation of SMEs, Korea Federation of Small Businesses, Korea International Trade Association, and other Gwangju area economic and institutional officials attended the meeting.
At the countermeasure meeting, the Bank of Korea announced the 'Economic Situation and Next Year's Economic Outlook' and then Gwangju City and each institution shared the 'People's Economy Policy Promotion Direction'.
In particular, they discussed organic cooperation measures such as expanding the discount rate of the Sangsaeng Card, activating the public delivery app, and promoting discount promotions to stimulate consumption for small business owners who are struggling due to the disappearance of the year-end and New Year's specials, and expanding export sales channels for small business owners.
They also decided to explore a campaign to revitalize local businesses, such as using restaurants near the workplace for lunch.
The attendees said, “The civil war is having a chain reaction of shockwaves to politics, economy, and people’s livelihoods,” and added, “It is fortunate that relevant organizations and groups have gathered in one place during this time of emergency to share their situations and find ways to cooperate. Let’s work together so that local businesses and small business owners can overcome this difficult time.”
After the emergency meeting, Gwangju Mayor Kang Ki-jung met with Financial Supervisory Service Commissioner Lee Bok-hyun in the city hall reception room and asked for cooperation on measures to revive the local economy.
Mayor Kang explained the Gwangju Public Delivery App, which has become a national example with a market share of 17%, and proposed expanding the operation of the financial sector to help small business owners. He also requested the financial sector to expand its special guarantee contribution for small business owners and the Financial Supervisory Service’s support for the recently opened Industrial Bank of Korea’s Southwest Investment Finance Center.
Financial Supervisory Service Commissioner Lee Bok-hyun said, “I am thinking a lot about coexistence and regional development,” and “I will do my best to take care of the things you requested.”
Gwangju City is putting all its efforts into stabilizing citizens’ lives, including recovering from the damage caused by the civil war, stabilizing the people’s livelihood and economy, and managing disasters by operating the ‘People’s Livelihood Stabilization Countermeasure Team.’
Gwangju City has allocated a total of KRW 108.2 billion for next year’s budget related to the recovery of the people’s economy.
Gwangju City is expanding the special guarantee for small business owners from KRW 150 billion this year to KRW 170 billion next year to help small business owners who are having difficulties in management due to the ongoing economic crisis overcome the crisis. In addition, it will continue to support the interest rate of the Bitgoeul Loan for new borrowers of the microfinance support project and the microfinance interest rate support for low-credit small business owners, and newly promote the interest rate support for loans from the SME financial sector for small business owners.
In addition, it plans to continuously operate the Gwangju Mutual Aid Card and increase the amount of the SME Management Stabilization Fund by KRW 5 billion to KRW 270 billion in response to financial market instability.
We plan to support export companies’ capacity building and overseas expansion promotion projects, and promote commercial district activation through small business digital transformation projects and specialized market development to respond to changes in the industrial environment.
Mayor Kang Ki-jung of Gwangju said, “There are negative economic outlooks such as a decrease in exports and consumption, but there is also positive news such as the export of Casper electric vehicles to 64 countries and recent news of companies investing in Gwangju one after another.” He added, “In times of crisis, we need to work together to create an atmosphere and overcome the crisis by adding vitality. I ask that all organizations work together with one mind and one heart to overcome the emergency situation and stabilize people’s livelihoods.” Meanwhile, the meeting was attended by Mayor Kang Ki-jung, Gwangju Chamber of Commerce and Industry Executive Vice President Chae Hwa-seok, Gwangju Employers Federation Executive Vice President Kim Dong-chan, Gwangju Branch President Lee Mi-jin, Korea Women Entrepreneurs Association Gwangju Branch Director Cho Dong-seok, Gwangju-Jeonnam Branch Director of the Korea Federation of SMEs, Gwangju Small Business Association Chairman Lee Ki-seong, Gwangju Merchants Association Chairman Kim Seung-jae, Korea International Trade Association Gwangju-Jeonnam Branch Director Lee Dong-won, Bank of Korea Gwangju-Jeonnam Branch Director Park Wan-geun, Gwangju-Jeonnam KOTRA Support Team Deputy Director Lee Myeong-jin, Small Business Market Promotion Agency Gwangju Honam Branch Director Lee Do-yeol, SME Promotion Agency Gwangju Regional Headquarters Director Jo Woo-joo, Gwangju Research Institute Director Choi Chi-guk, Gwangju Economic Promotion Mutual Aid Foundation CEO Kim Hyeon-seong, Gwangju Credit Guarantee Foundation Chairman Kim Gwi-nam, and Gwangju Technopark Director Kim Yeong-jip.
원본 기사 보기:브레이크뉴스 전남