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대통령실이 30일 더불어민주당이 국회 예산결산특별위원회에서 내년도 정부 예산안을 단독 처리한 것 관련해 "입법 폭주에 이은 예산 폭주로 민생을 외면한 다수 횡포"라고 비판했다.
대통령실 관계자는 이날 "민주당은 헌정 사상 처음 야당 단독으로 예결위에서 예산 감액안을 통과시켰다"며 "이로 인한 피해는 고스란히 국민에게 돌아온다"고 했다.
앞서 지난 29일 민주당은 내년도 정부 예산안에 대한 여야 합의가 끝나지 않은 상태서 감액 예산안을 예결위에서 강행 처리했다.
예결위는 여당 의원들이 퇴장한 가운데 정부 예산안 677조4000억에서 4조1000억을 감액한 673조3000억의 감액 예산안을 통과시킨 가운데 예결위에서 예산안을 여야 합의 없이 처리한 건 헌정사상 최초다.
대통령비서실·국가안보실 특수활동비(82억5100만원)와 검찰 특정업무경비(506억9100만원) 및 특활비(80억900만원)·감사원 특경비(45억) 및 특활비(15억)·경찰 특활비(31억6천만원) 등 경우 전액 삭감됐다. 예산 증액은 정부 동의가 필요한 반면 감액 경우 국회 결정만으로 가능하다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Office of the President: “The Democratic Party of Korea, following legislation, is also running wild in the budget… Tyranny that ignores people’s livelihoods”
"The Democratic Party of Korea is the first opposition party in constitutional history to pass a budget cut bill in the Budget and Accounts Committee... The damage from this will be passed entirely on the people." This is the first time in constitutional history that a bill has been passed without an agreement between the ruling and opposition parties.
-kihong Kim reporter
The Office of the President criticized the Democratic Party of Korea's unilateral processing of next year's government budget bill at the National Assembly Budget Settlement Special Committee on the 30th, saying, "It is the tyranny of the majority that ignores the people's livelihood by running wild with the budget following the legislative rampage."
An official from the Office of the President said on the same day, "The Democratic Party is the first opposition party in constitutional history to pass a budget reduction bill at the Budget Settlement Committee alone," and "The damage caused by this will be passed on to the people in full."
Earlier, on the 29th, the Democratic Party forced through the budget reduction bill at the Budget Settlement Committee while the ruling and opposition parties had not yet reached an agreement on next year's government budget bill.
The Budget Settlement Committee passed a budget reduction bill of 673.3 trillion won, a 4.1 trillion won reduction from the government budget of 677.4 trillion won, while the ruling party lawmakers left the committee, and this is the first time in constitutional history that the Budget Settlement Committee processed the budget bill without an agreement between the ruling and opposition parties.
In the case of the special activity expenses of the Office of the President and the Office of National Security (KRW 8.251 billion), the special work expenses of the prosecution (KRW 50.691 billion) and special activity expenses (KRW 8.09 billion), the special activity expenses of the Board of Audit and Inspection (KRW 4.5 billion) and special activity expenses (KRW 1.5 billion), and the special activity expenses of the police (KRW 3.16 billion), all of them were cut. An increase in the budget requires government consent, while a decrease can be made with only a National Assembly decision.