
월간 '리더피플', 창간15주년 기념 ‘2024 대한민국 각계리더 15인’ 선정

박정대 기자 | 기사입력 2024/10/15 [11:51]

▲ 리더피플 99호 표지.    ©브레이크뉴스


월간 '리더피플'은 10월 15일자 보도자료에서 창간15주년 특별기획으로 ‘2024 대한민국 각계리더 15인’을 선정했다고 밝혔다. 


월간 '리더피플'의 발행인 김동성 한국전문언론인협회 회장은 “우리 사회 각 분야에서 오랫동안 자기만의 특별한 리더십을 발휘하는 분들을 선정해서 창간15주년 특집호를 발행하게 됐다”면서 “이분들이야말로 우리 사회를 이끌어가는 리더들이며, 국가경쟁력 강화에 기여하는 분들”이라고 설명했다. 아래는 주최 측이 밝힌 각계리더의 선정 이유이다.


▲주호영 국회부의장=정치부문: 원내대표와 비상대책위원장으로 특별한 리더십을 발휘하는 가운데, 여야 두루 원만하게 섭렵하며 의정활동.

▲오세훈 서울특별시장=행정부문: 4선 시장으로서 서울시 행정을 입체적이고도 미래지향적으로 추진함으로써 서울시민들의 평가를 받음.

▲오흥배 대신정기화물자동차(주) 회장=물류부문: 우리나라의 선구적인 물류기업으로 고객만족과 직원복지 등에서 경쟁사들의 모범이 됨.     

▲최창환 (株)장수산업 회장=혁신리더십부문: 별 다섯개 장수돌침대 신화를 기록하며 중소기업인과 자영업자들의 희망으로 평가 받음.

▲김길성 서울 중구청장=지방자치부문: 명동을 한국판 '타임스스퀘어'로 조성한다는 청사진 아래 주민친화적인 행정을 펼치며 툭유의 추진력을 발휘함.    

▲이영만 은평치과의원 대표원장=치과의료부문: 시인과 작사가로도 활동하며 지역사회공헌활동도 펼치는 가운데, 임플란트 전문닥터로 의료계에서 인정받음.     

▲방시혁 하이브 의장=엔터테인먼트부문: 방탄소년단과 뉴진스를 비롯한 다수의 그룹을 글로벌 스타로 키워내며 K-POP의 위상을 드높임.

▲신경훈 강남에이스안과 대표원장=안과의료부문: 실력을 인정받는 각막전문가로 ‘각막전문의의 전문의’로 통하며 안과진료의 선두주자로 평가받음.

▲김정구 충북도민회 중앙회장= 단체장부문: 남다른 친화력과 추진력으로 출향인의 화합발전을 견인하는 ‘충북 민간도지사’역할을 함.

▲이의한 세계의료미용교류협회 총재=글로벌리더부문: 세계시민 모두가 행복한 지구촌 건설을 꿈꾸는 글로벌CEO로 폭넓은 국제무대 활동.

▲장성근 법률사무소 강물 변호사=법조부문: 지역변호사회 회장으로 성실한 변론활동을 하는 가운데 '변호사 봉사단'을 만들어 지역사회에 봉사.

▲장복만 (주)동원개발 회장=건설부문: 건강한 향토기업으로 성실한 건축시공과 사후 관리로 입주민들의 안락한 주거문화를 정착시켰음.

▲신장균 이학박사=과학CEO부문: 5가지 ‘세계 최초 혁신기술’로 노벨화학상에 도전할 정도로 과학기술계에서 공로를 인정받음.

▲장명윤 (주)깊은바다 대표이사=건강음료부문:  대한민국을 대표하는 프리미엄 해양심층수 "사랑해300"으로 국민건강에 기여함.

▲남덕우 대영자동차운전전문학원 대표=교육기관부문: 열린 마음으로 지역사회에 봉사하며, 운전교육의 메카로 키워냄. 


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


Monthly 'Leader People' Selects '2024 Korea's 15 Leaders' to Celebrate 15th Anniversary

- Reporter Park Jeong-dae

Monthly 'Leader People' announced in a press release dated October 15 that it had selected '2024 Korea's 15 Leaders' as a special project to celebrate its 15th anniversary.

Kim Dong-seong, the publisher of Monthly 'Leader People' and Chairman of the Korea Professional Journalists Association, said, "We have selected people who have demonstrated their own special leadership in each field of our society for a long time and published a special issue for the 15th anniversary of the founding," and explained, "These people are the leaders who lead our society and contribute to strengthening national competitiveness." Below are the reasons for selecting the leaders of each field as stated by the organizers.

▲ Joo Ho-young, Vice Speaker of the National Assembly = Political Sector: While demonstrating special leadership as floor leader and emergency response committee chairman, he smoothly engages in parliamentary activities while covering both the ruling and opposition parties. ▲Oh Se-hoon, Mayor of Seoul=Administrative sector: As a four-term mayor, he has been evaluated by Seoul citizens for promoting Seoul city administration in a three-dimensional and future-oriented manner.

▲Oh Heung-bae, Chairman of Daeshin Regular Cargo Truck Co., Ltd.=Logistics sector: As a pioneering logistics company in Korea, he has become a role model for competitors in customer satisfaction and employee welfare.

▲Choi Chang-hwan, Chairman of Jangsu Industry Co., Ltd.=Innovative leadership sector: He has been evaluated as a source of hope for small business owners and the self-employed by recording the myth of the five-star Jangsu stone bed.

▲Kim Gil-seong, Mayor of Jung-gu, Seoul=Local government sector: He has demonstrated his own driving force by implementing resident-friendly administration under the blueprint of creating Myeongdong as the Korean version of 'Times Square'.

▲Lee Young-man, Director of Eunpyeong Dental Clinic=Dental medical sector: He is also active as a poet and lyricist, and is recognized in the medical community as an implant specialist doctor while also contributing to the local community.

▲Bang Si-hyuk, Chairman of Hive=Entertainment sector: Raised many groups including BTS and New Jeans into global stars, thereby raising the status of K-POP.

▲Shin Kyung-hoon, CEO of Gangnam Ace Eye Clinic=Ophthalmology sector: A cornea specialist with recognized skills, known as the ‘cornea specialist’s specialist’ and evaluated as a leader in ophthalmology treatment.

▲Kim Jeong-gu, Chairman of the Chungbuk Provincial Association=Group leader sector: Acts as the ‘Chungbuk civilian governor’ who promotes harmony and development among people from the province with his exceptional friendliness and drive.

▲Lee Eui-han, President of the World Medical Aesthetics Exchange Association=Global leader sector: A global CEO who dreams of building a global village where all citizens of the world are happy, actively engaged in a wide range of international activities.

▲Jang Seong-geun, Attorney at Law, Kangmul Law Firm=Legal sector: Serves the local community by forming a ‘lawyer volunteer group’ while faithfully conducting legal activities as the president of a local bar association. ▲Jang Bok-man, Chairman of Dongwon Development Co., Ltd. = Construction sector: As a healthy local company, he established a comfortable living culture for residents through sincere construction and aftercare.

▲Shin Jang-gyun, Ph.D. = Science CEO sector: Recognized for his contributions in the science and technology community to the point of challenging the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with five ‘world’s first innovative technologies.’

▲Jang Myeong-yoon, CEO of Deep Sea Co., Ltd. = Health beverage sector: Contributed to national health with “Saranghae 300,” the premium deep-sea water representing Korea.

▲Nam Deok-woo, CEO of Daeyoung Automobile Driving Academy = Educational institution sector: Serving the local community with an open mind and developing it into a mecca for driving education.

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