(광주=브레이크뉴스) 이학수 기자=광주시가 응급의료 종합컨트롤타워 역할을 수행할 ‘응급의료지원단’을 구성, 응급실을 찾아 헤매는 일이 없도록 할 방침이다.
광주시는 지난 13일 오후 서구 라마다플라자 광주호텔에서 ‘광주시 응급의료지원단 출범식’을 개최했다.
이날 출범식에는 강기정 시장, 안도걸·정진욱·전진숙·민형배 국회의원, 최지현·이귀순·이명노 광주시의회의원, 문성우 대한응급의료지도의사협의회 이사장, 정신 전남대병원장 등 100여명이 참석했다.
응급의료지원단은 이날 출범식에서 지역 21개 응급실이 하나의 병원처럼 자원과 정보를 공유하는 새로운 시스템 등을 제시한다.
응급의료지원단은 ‘응급의료에 관한 법률’에 따라 지역 응급의료 정책 개발 및 실무 지원을 위해 설치·운영되는 조직으로, 광주시는 지난 6월 공모를 통해 응급의료 전문인력과 풍부한 경험을 갖춘 전남대학교병원을 수탁기관으로 선정했다.
응급의료지원단은 조용수 전남대병원 응급의학과 교수를 단장으로 하고, 응급의학과 교수와 협력교수, 단원 등으로 구성·운영된다.
지원단은 광주지역 응급의료 자원 조사를 실시하고, 이를 바탕으로 광주형 응급환자 이송지침을 마련, 상급종합병원 응급실 과밀화를 해소하는 데 주력할 계획이다.
특히 지역 21개 응급실의 협력체계를 구축하고 소방을 포함한 유관기관이 적극 참여하는 새로운 시스템을 도입할 예정이다. 이 시스템을 통해 21개의 응급실이 하나의 병원처럼 자원과 정보를 공유하며, 중증 응급환자가 최적의 병원에서 치료받을 수 있도록 긴밀하게 협력하는 체계를 구축한다.
또 응급의료 현황분석을 통한 정책 개발, 지역응급의료 시행계획 수립 지원 등을 통해 광주시 의료행정을 지원한다. 올바른 응급실 이용문화 교육, 구급대원 중증 응급질환 인지율 향상 교육, 재난 대응 교육 등 각종 교육을 실시한다.
강기정 광주시장은 “응급의료지원단 출범은 광주형 원스톱 응급의료 플랫폼을 구축해 병원의 선정부터 이송, 전원, 모니터링을 통해서 환자의 진료 편의를 도모하고자 하는 것이다”며 “응급의료지원단은 마음이 급하고 불안한 응급환자를 적재적소로 의료진과 연결해 생명을 살리고 의료자원을 효율화시키는 역할을 하게 될 것이다”고 밝혔다.
강 시장은 이어 “광주시도 응급실을 지키고 국민 생명을, 시민 생명을 지키는 데 함께 함께하겠다”고 덧붙였다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문] 입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Gwangju City Emergency Medical Support Team Launched… Eliminates ‘Emergency Room Rush’
Performing the role of a comprehensive emergency medical control tower… Operated by Chonnam National University Hospital, sharing resources and information in 21 emergency rooms, alleviating overcrowding in university hospital emergency rooms, Mayor Kang Ki-jung “Securing the golden time for rapid response in case of emergency patients”
(Gwangju=Break News) Reporter Lee Hak-soo= Gwangju City plans to form an ‘Emergency Medical Support Team’ that will perform the role of a comprehensive emergency medical control tower, preventing people from wandering around looking for an emergency room.
On the afternoon of the 13th, Gwangju City held the ‘Gwangju City Emergency Medical Support Team Launch Ceremony’ at the Ramada Plaza Gwangju Hotel in Seo-gu.
The launching ceremony was attended by around 100 people, including Mayor Kang Ki-jung, National Assembly members Ahn Do-geol, Jeong Jin-wook, Jeon Jin-sook, and Min Hyeong-bae, Gwangju City Council members Choi Ji-hyeon, Lee Gwi-sun, and Lee Myeong-no, Chairman Moon Seong-woo of the Korean Association of Emergency Medical Specialists, and the president of Chonnam National University Hospital.
At the launching ceremony, the Emergency Medical Support Team presented a new system in which 21 emergency rooms in the region share resources and information as if they were one hospital.
The Emergency Medical Support Team is an organization established and operated in accordance with the ‘Emergency Medical Services Act’ to develop regional emergency medical policies and provide practical support. In June, Gwangju City selected Chonnam National University Hospital, which has emergency medical professionals and abundant experience, as the contracting agency through a public offering.
The Emergency Medical Support Team is headed by Professor Cho Yong-soo of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Chonnam National University Hospital, and is composed of professors of emergency medicine, cooperating professors, and members.
The support team plans to conduct a survey of emergency medical resources in the Gwangju area and, based on this, establish a Gwangju-style emergency patient transfer guideline to focus on relieving overcrowding in emergency rooms at general hospitals.
In particular, it plans to establish a cooperative system among 21 emergency rooms in the region and introduce a new system in which related organizations, including the fire department, actively participate. Through this system, the 21 emergency rooms will share resources and information as if they were one hospital, and a system will be established in which they will closely cooperate so that critically ill emergency patients can receive treatment at the best hospital.
In addition, it will support Gwangju City's medical administration through policy development through analysis of the current status of emergency medical services and support for establishing a regional emergency medical service implementation plan. It will conduct various types of education, such as education on proper emergency room use culture, education on improving paramedic awareness of critical emergency diseases, and disaster response education.
Mayor Kang Ki-jung of Gwangju said, “The launch of the Emergency Medical Support Team is to establish a Gwangju-style one-stop emergency medical platform to promote patient treatment convenience through hospital selection, transfer, transfer, and monitoring.” He added, “The Emergency Medical Support Team will play a role in connecting urgent and anxious emergency patients with the right medical staff at the right time, saving lives and improving the efficiency of medical resources.” Mayor Kang added, “Gwangju City will also work together to protect emergency rooms and the lives of its citizens.”
원본 기사 보기:브레이크뉴스 전남