브레이크뉴스 박동제 기자= 배우 송하윤에 이어 여배우 J씨에 대한 학교폭력(학폭) 의혹이 제기됐다.
최근 직장인 온라인 커뮤니티 블라인드에는 ‘J 학폭’이라는 글과 함께 여배우 J씨의 실명이 언급된 학폭 폭로 글이 올라왔다.
해당 글 작성자는 “요새 J 광고가 너무 많이 뜨길래 너무 화가 나서 기사 찾다가 학폭 논란 글이 있으면 칼같이 지워진다는 글을 봤다. 혹시나 하고 보니 제가 썼던 글도 지워졌다. 블라에서는 지워지지 않겠지 싶어 글 남긴다”고 말했다.
이어 “J와 같은 중학교를 나왔다. J가 한국에서 학교 안 나왔다고 루머라고 하던데, 중학교 2학년 초반까지 영등포 소재 학교 다니다 유학갔다”며 “툭하면 애들 체육복이랑 교복 훔치거나 뺐고, 애들이 안 주면 욕하고 다굴의 대상이 됐다. 저도 한때 체육복 안 줬다가 미친X 소리 들으며 학교 다녔다. 화장실까지 쫓아와 문 발로 차 무서워 조용해지면 밖으로 나가기도 했다”고 폭로했다.
그러면서 “피해자들이 의견이 일치하게 꾸준히 글을 올리고, 그런 글을 J 측 회사는 빛의 속도로 지우고 있다”면거 “무언가 사실이니 감추고 싶어서 저러는 게 아니겠나. J 얼굴만 보면 그때 생각이 나서 속상해 다른 일들이 손에 안 잡혀 용기 내 올린다”고 덧붙였다.
특히 해당 폭로글에는 여배우 J씨에게 학폭 피해를 당했다는 댓글이 추가로 달리고 있다.
학폭 논란에 대해 J씨 소속사는 “현재 입장을 정리 중이다. 정리되는 대로 알리겠다”고 밝혔다.
한편, 지난 1일 방송된 JTBC ‘사건반장’은 최근 한 드라마에서 악역 연기로 큰 인기를 얻은 배우 S씨의 학폭 가해 사건을 보도했다.
보도에 따르면, 제보자 A씨는 서울 서초구 모 고등학교 2학년 시절이던 2004년 8월 당시 선배였던 S씨에게 영문도 모른 채 90분 동안 따귀를 맞았다고 주장했다. 이후 학폭 가해자 S씨로 배우 송하윤이 지목됐고, 소속사 측은 같은날 공식입장을 내고 학폭 의혹을 전면 부인했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Actress J, suspected of school violence, “School uniforms and gym uniforms were taken away and abusive language was used”… The agency said, “We are sorting out our position.”
Recently, an expose related to Mr. J was posted through an online community.
Break News Reporter Park Dong-je = Following actor Song Ha-yoon, suspicions of school violence were raised against actress J.
Recently, an article exposing school violence was posted on Blind, an online community for office workers, with the title ‘J school violence’ and the real name of actress J.
The author of the article said, “I was so angry because so many J ads were popping up these days, so I was looking for articles and came across an article saying that if there is a controversy over school violence, it will be deleted like a knife.” Just in case, I noticed that the post I had written was also deleted. “I’m leaving this message because I don’t think it will be deleted from Blah,” he said.
She continued, “I went to the same middle school as J. “I heard it was a rumor that J didn’t go to school in Korea, but he went to a school in Yeongdeungpo until the beginning of his second year of middle school and went to study abroad,” he said. “He often stole or took away the kids’ gym uniforms and school uniforms, and when the kids didn’t give him them, he cursed and became the target of bullying. There was a time when I went to school with people calling me crazy because they didn't give me gym uniform. “He chased me to the bathroom and kicked the door so I got scared and went out when things got quiet,” he revealed.
At the same time, “If the victims are consistently posting posts in agreement, and J’s company is deleting those posts at the speed of light,” he said, “Isn’t it because they want to hide something because it’s true? “When I look at J’s face, I think of that time and I get upset and can’t handle other things, so I muster up the courage to post it,” he added.
In particular, there are additional comments in the revelation post saying that actress J was a victim of school violence.
Regarding the school violence controversy, Mr. J’s agency said, “We are currently resolving our position. “I will inform you as soon as it is resolved,” he said.
Meanwhile, JTBC's 'Incidence Chief', which aired on the 1st, reported on the school violence incident of actor S, who recently gained great popularity for playing a villain in a drama.
According to reports, informant A claimed that in August 2004, when he was a second year student at a high school in Seocho-gu, Seoul, he was slapped by Mr. S, who was his senior at the time, for 90 minutes without even knowing what was going on. Afterwards, actress Song Ha-yoon was pointed out as the perpetrator of school violence, Mr. S, and her agency issued an official statement on the same day, completely denying the allegations of school violence.