경제정의실천시민연합(이하 경실련)은 1월17일자 보도자료에서 “제22대 총선을 앞두고 정치권의 움직임이 빠르게 움직이고 있다. 이 가운데 경제정의실천시민연합(이하 경실련)은 1월 17일(수) 오전 10시 반, 경실련 강당에서 불성실한 의정활동 및 기타 자질이 의심되는 현역 의원들에 대한 공천배제 및 검증촉구 명단을 발표했다"고 전했다.
경실련은 이 자료에서 “지난해 현역의원들에 대한 부동산재산 및 주식재산, 발의건수 및 결석률, 입법성향 등을 조사해 발표해왔다. 지난 11월 28일에는 그 결과를 종합해 불성실 부도덕이 의심되는 현역 의원 22명 명단을 발표하기도 했다. 이후 자체 및 의원실의 해명에 대한 추가 검증을 거친 최종 명단을 발표했다”고 알렸다.
경실련은 “자질검증 기준은 대표발의 건수, 본회의 결석률, 상임위 결석률, 사회적 물의, 의정활동 기간 부동산 과다 매입, 불성실한 의정활동이 의심되는 상장주식 과다보유, 과거 전과경력, 반개혁 입법 등 8가지 항목이다. 이러한 기준에 부합되는 의원들 중 문제가 확실하다고 판단되는 현역 의원은 <공천배제 명단>으로, 문제의 소지가 크지만 추가 조사가 필요하다고 판단되는 현역 의원은 <검증촉구 명단>으로 분류했다”고 밝혔다. 경실련의 자질검증 결과, 공천배제가 되어야 할 현역 의원(아래 명단)은 중복제외 34명이다.
△대표발의 저조(3명)
김웅 의원(국민의힘, 서울 송파구갑), 최재형 의원(국민의힘, 서울 종로구), 박병석 의원(더불어민주당, 대전 서구갑).
△본회의 결석률 상위 (3명)
김태호 의원(국민의힘, 경남 산청군함양군거창군합천군), 우상호 의원(더불어민주당, 서울 서대문구갑), 권성동 의원(국민의힘, 강원 강릉시).
△상임위 결석률 상위 (3명)
김태호 의원(국민의힘, 경남 산청군함양군거창군합천군), 홍석준 의원(국민의힘, 대구 달서구갑), 김희국 의원(국민의힘, 경북 군위군의성군청송군영덕군).
△사회적 물의 (11명)
김남국 의원(무소속, 경기 안산시단원구을), 김선교 의원(전 미래통합당, 경기 여주시양평군), 김홍걸 의원(더불어민주당, 비례대표), 박덕흠 의원(국민의힘, 충북 보은군옥천군영동군괴산군), 윤미향 의원(무소속, 비례대표), 이규민 의원(전 더불어민주당, 경기 안성시), 이상직 의원(전 더불어민주당, 전북 전주시을), 정정순 의원(전 더불어민주당, 충북 청주시상당구), 정찬민 의원(전 국민의힘, 경기 용인시갑), 최강욱 의원(전 더불어민주당, 비례대표), 하영제 의원(무소속, 경남 사천시남해군하동군).
△의정활동 기간 부동산 과다 매입 (1명)
이철규 의원(국민의힘, 강원 동해시태백시삼척시정선군).
△성실한 의정활동 의심, 투기성 상장주식 과다 보유 (5명).
윤상현 의원(국민의힘, 인천 동구미추홀구을), 박덕흠 의원(국민의힘, 충북 보은군옥천군영동군괴산군), 이헌승 의원(국민의힘, 부산 부산진구을), 김경협 의원(더불어민주당, 경기 부천시갑), 김희국 의원(국민의힘, 경북 군위군의성군청송군영덕군).
△반개혁 입법 활동 (11명)
추경호 의원(국민의힘, 대구 달성군), 김병욱 의원(더불어민주당, 경기 성남시분당구을), 송언석 의원(국민의힘, 경북 김천시), 윤창현 의원(국민의힘, 비례대표), 권칠승 의원(더불어민주당, 경기 화성시병), 유경준 의원(국민의힘, 서울 강남구병), 김교흥 의원(더불어민주당, 인천 서구갑), 천준호 의원(더불어민주당, 서울 강북구갑), 신현영 의원(더불어민주당, 비례대표), 이종성 의원(국민의힘, 비례대표), 강기윤 의원(국민의힘, 경남 창원시성산구)(이상 11명).
*2건에 중복 해당(김태호 의원, 김희국 의원, 박덕흠 의원).
경실련은 “각 정당에 경실련 자질검증 기준 자질명단 현역 국회의원 34명에 대한 공천배제 및 기타 자질 의심 국회의원 72명에 대한 철저한 자질검증을 촉구하며, 아래 네 가지를 제안” 했다.
-공천배제 기준에 경실련 11대 공천배제 기준
△강력범, △부정부패(세금 탈루), △선거범죄, △성폭력, △불법재산 증식, △음주운전, △병역비리, △연구부정 행위, △파렴치범죄, △민생범죄, △불성실 의정활동) 포함 시켜라.
- 공천배제 기준 예외 규정 삭제하라.
- 현역 의원 평가자료, 공천 심사 자료 투명하게 공개하라.
- 철저한 현역 의원 검증을 통해 최소 하위 20% 이상 공천 배제하라.
경실련은 “각 정당의 당사를 방문하여, 공천배제 및 검증촉구 명단을 전달하고 철저한 검증과 투명한 공천심사 과정 공개를 촉구할 계획”이라고 밝혔다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
The Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice announces 'List of 34 people who are excluded from nomination of active members of the National Assembly and request verification'
Press conference: “Thoroughly verify the 106 people whose qualifications are questionable, and exclude from nomination 34 of them with unqualified qualifications!”
-Reporter Park Jeong-dae
In a press release dated January 17, the Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice (hereinafter referred to as the Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice) said, “Movements in the political world are moving quickly ahead of the 22nd general election. Among these, the Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice (hereinafter referred to as the Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice) held a "list of exclusions from nomination and requests for verification of incumbent lawmakers suspected of insincere legislative activities and other qualifications" at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 17, at the Coalition for Economic Justice auditorium. announced.
In this data, the Coalition for Economic Justice said, “Last year, we conducted a survey and announced the real estate and stock assets, number of proposals and absenteeism rates, legislative inclinations, etc. of active members of the National Assembly. On November 28, the results were compiled and a list of 22 active members suspected of insincerity and immorality was announced. “Afterwards, we announced the final list after additional verification of our own and the explanations of the lawmaker’s office.”
The Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice said, "The quality verification criteria are eight items, including the number of representative motions, plenary session absence rate, standing committee absence rate, social controversy, excessive purchase of real estate during legislative activity, excessive holding of listed stocks suspected of insincere legislative activity, past criminal record, and anti-reform legislation." . Among the lawmakers who meet these criteria, those who are judged to have a clear problem are classified into the <Nomination Exclusion List>, and those who are deemed to have a significant problem but require additional investigation are classified into the <Verification Request List>.” revealed. As a result of the qualifications verification by the Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice, there are 34 active members (list below) who should be excluded from nomination, excluding duplicates.
△Low representative initiative (3 people)
Rep. Kim Woong (People Power Party, Songpa-gu, Seoul), Rep. Choi Jae-hyung (People Power, Jongno-gu, Seoul), Rep. Park Byeong-seok (Democratic Party of Korea, Seo-gu, Daejeon)
△Highest absenteeism rate at this meeting (3 people)
Rep. Tae-ho Kim (People Power Party, Sancheong-gun, Hamyang-gun, Geochang-gun, Hapcheon-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do), Rep. Sang-ho Woo (Democratic Party of Korea, Seodaemun-gu-gap, Seoul), Rep. Seong-dong Kwon (People Power Party, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do)
△Highest absenteeism rate in standing committee (3 people)
Representative Kim Tae-ho (People Power, Sancheong-gun, Hamyang-gun, Geochang-gun, Hapcheon-gun, Gyeongnam), Representative Hong Seok-jun (People Power, Daegu Dalseo-gu-gap), Representative Kim Hee-guk (People Power, Gunwi-gun, Uiseong-gun, Cheongsong-gun, Yeongdeok-gun, Gyeongbuk)
△Social controversy (11 people)
Rep. Kim Nam-guk (independent, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do), Rep. Kim Seon-kyo (former United Future Party, Yeoju-si, Yangpyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do), Rep. Kim Hong-geol (Democratic Party of Korea, proportional representation), Rep. Park Deok-heum (People Power Party, Boeun-gun, Okcheon-gun, Yeongdong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do), Rep. Yoon Mi-hyang (Independent, proportional representation), Rep. Gyu-min Lee (formerly Democratic Party of Korea, Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do), Rep. Sang-jik Lee (formerly Democratic Party of Korea, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do), Rep. Jeong-soon Jeong (formerly Democratic Party of Korea, Cheongju-si, North Chungcheong Province), Rep. Chan-min Jeong (formerly People Power Party, Gyeonggi-do) Yongin City Gap), Rep. Choi Kang-wook (former Democratic Party of Korea, proportional representative), Rep. Ha Young-je (independent, Sacheon-si, Namhae-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do)
△Excessive purchase of real estate during legislative activities (1 person)
Rep. Lee Cheol-gyu (People Power Party, Gangwon-do, Donghae-si, Taebaek-si, Samcheok-si, Jeongseon-gun)
△Suspicion of sincere legislative activities, excessive holding of speculative listed stocks (5 people)
Rep. Sang-hyeon Yoon (People Power Party, Dong-gu Michuhol-gu, Incheon), Rep. Deok-heum Park (People Power Party, Boeun-gun, Okcheon-gun, Yeongdong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Goesan-gun), Rep. Heon-seung Lee (People Power Party, Busan Jin-gu, Busan), Rep. Gyeong-hyup Kim (Democratic Party of Korea, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do), Hee-guk Kim Lawmaker (People Power Party, Gyeongsangbuk-do Gunwi-gun Uiseong-gun Cheongsong-gun Yeongdeok-gun)
△Counter-reform legislative activities (11 people)
Rep. Choo Kyung-ho (People Power Party, Dalseong-gun, Daegu), Rep. Kim Byeong-wook (Democratic Party of Korea, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do), Rep. Song Eon-seok (People Power Party, Gimcheon-si, Gyeongbuk), Rep. Yoon Chang-hyun (People Power Party, proportional representation), Rep. Kwon Chil-seung (Democratic Party of Korea, Hwaseong-gu, Gyeonggi-do), Rep. Yoo Gyeong-jun (People Power Party, Gangnam-gu, Seoul), Rep. Kim Kyo-heung (Democratic Party of Korea, Seo-gu, Incheon), Rep. Jun-ho Cheon (Democratic Party of Korea, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul), Rep. Hyun-young Shin (Democratic Party of Korea, proportional representation), Jong-seong Lee Representative (People Power Party, proportional representation), Representative Kang Ki-yoon (People Power Party, Seongsan-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do) (11 people above)
*Duplicate in 2 cases (Rep. Kim Tae-ho, Rep. Kim Hee-guk, Rep. Park Deok-heum)
The Coalition for Economic Justice “urged each political party to exclude 34 active members of the National Assembly from the list of qualifications based on the qualifications of the Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice and conduct a thorough qualification verification of 72 members of the National Assembly whose qualifications are questionable, and proposed the following four items.”
-The criteria for exclusion from nomination include the 11th member of the Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice.
Includes △ violent criminals, △ corruption (tax evasion), △ election crimes, △ sexual violence, △ illegal property proliferation, △ drunk driving, △ military service corruption, △ research misconduct, △ unscrupulous crimes, △ crimes against people’s livelihood, △ unfaithful legislative activities. Do it.
- Delete exceptions to nomination exclusion criteria.
- Transparently disclose evaluation data and nomination screening data for incumbent lawmakers.
- Exclude nominations of at least the bottom 20% through thorough verification of active members.
The Coalition for Economic Justice said, “We plan to visit each political party’s headquarters to deliver a list of nomination exclusions and verification requests and urge thorough verification and transparent disclosure of the nomination review process.”