(해남=브레이크뉴스) 이학수 기자=전남 해남군이 2023년 한 해 동안 각 분야별 종합평가에서 기관표창 90건을 수상하며 역대 최고 성적을 거두었다.
해남군의 기관평가 수상은 매년 증가해 민선7기 직전인 2017년 36건에 비해 2.5배 이상 비약적인 성장을 거듭해 왔다.
올해도 행안부 주관 지방재정 집행 평가 최우수를 비롯해 한국지방자치경영대상 산업경제대상, 지방세외수입 운영실태 분석진단평가 최우수, 대한민국 SNS 대상 공공부문 기초지자체 대상, 제19회 대한민국 지방자치경영대전 환경부장관상, 자활사업 전국 우수지자체 평가 보건복지부장관상, 청정전남 으뜸마을만들기 시군 종합평가 최우수상 등 군정 전 분야에서 두각을 나타냈다.
또한 매니페스토 실천본부에서 실시한 민선8기 기초단체장 공약평가에서 전남 유일하게 5년 연속 최우수(SA)등급을 획득하고, 국민권익위의 공공기관 종합청렴도 5년연속 2등급을 달성하며, 공평·공정·공개의 군정 운영이 돋보인 한 해가 됐다.
민선8기 들어 해남군이 역점 추진하고 있는 ESG 경영행정의 성과도 두각을 나타냈다.
특히 사단법인 한국ESG학회가 주최하고 국회ESG포럼이 주관해 올해 처음 열린 한국 ESG 평가에서 지방자치단체 대상을 수상하며 해남형 ESG 확산의 성과를 인정받았으며, 대한민국 ESG 착한경영 종합대상, 공기의 날 굿에어시티 대상 등을 연달아 수상하며 ESG 선도지자체로서 위상을 인정받았다.
주력산업인 농축산업에서는 상이 대거 쏟아졌다.
전라남도 농정업무 2년연속 대상을 비롯해 농식품 업무평가 대상, 지역먹거리 지수 평가 최우수상, 식량·원예업무 평가 최우수상, 친환경농업대상 최우수상, 농산물종합가공센터 우수사례경진대회 최우수, 가축방역시책 종합평가 최우수상 등 다수의 상을 차지하며 1등 농업군의 성적표를 받아 들었다.
제14회 대한민국 국가브랜드대상 시상에서 가장 방문하고 싶은 도시에 선정되었고, 전라남도 대표축제 선정, 제11회 대한민국축제콘텐츠 대상 등을 관광분야에서 수상했으며, 땅끝순례문학관이 한국문학관협회가 선정하는 최우수 문학관에 선정되고 군립도서관이 전라남도 공공도서관 운영평가 1위를 차지하기도 했다.
또한 전라남도 산림행정 우수상, 정신건강증진사업 최우수기관, 대한민국 지방지킴 경제활성화분야 대상과 상반기 지방물가 안정관리평가 최우수기관 및 일자리창출 우수기관, 지역경제 활성화 평가 장려상 등 다양한 분야에서 수상의 성과를 올렸다.
명현관 군수는“역대 최다 기관 표창 수상은 공직자와 군민이 함께 일군 성과”라며“열심히 일한 평가로 연말 좋은 성적을 거두고 뜻깊은 마무리가 될 수 있어 감사드리며, 내년에도 전 군민이 합심해 해남군의 위상을 더욱 높여 나가겠다”고 밝혔다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문] 입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Haenam-gun “I worked hard and my grades were outstanding”... 90 institutional commendations were selected, the largest number in history.
Military stands out in receiving awards in all areas of military administration, including ESG evaluation awards and agricultural administration awards, and continues to improve in external evaluations
(Haenam = Break News) Reporter Haksu Lee = Haenam-gun, Jeollanam-do achieved its highest ever performance by winning 90 institutional commendations in comprehensive evaluations in each field in 2023.
The number of institutional evaluation awards in Haenam-gun has increased every year, growing by more than 2.5 times compared to 36 in 2017, just before the 7th popular election.
This year as well, including the Best in Local Finance Execution Evaluation hosted by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, the Industrial Economy Grand Prize at the Korea Local Autonomy Management Awards, the Best Analysis and Diagnostic Evaluation of Local Non-Tax Revenue Operation Status, the Grand Prize for Public Sector Basic Local Government at the Korea SNS Awards, and the Minister of Environment Award at the 19th Korea Local Autonomy Management Competition. , it stood out in all areas of military administration, including the Minister of Health and Welfare Award in the national evaluation of excellent local governments in self-reliance projects and the grand prize in the city-county comprehensive evaluation for creating the best village in clean Jeollanam-do.
In addition, in the evaluation of the pledges of the 8th elected basic organization heads conducted by the Manifesto Action Headquarters, it was the only one in Jeollanam-do to obtain the highest (SA) grade for five consecutive years, and achieved grade 2 in the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission's comprehensive integrity of public institutions for five consecutive years, and achieved fairness, fairness, and It has been a year in which open military administration stands out.
The performance of ESG management administration, which Haenam-gun has been focusing on since the 8th popular election, also stood out.
In particular, the achievements in spreading Haenam-type ESG were recognized by winning the grand prize for local governments in the Korea ESG evaluation held for the first time this year, hosted by the Korea ESG Society and organized by the National Assembly ESG Forum, and the Korea ESG Good Management Comprehensive Award and Good Air Day. Its status as a leading ESG local government was recognized by winning the Air City Grand Prize in succession.
The main industry, the agricultural and livestock industry, received a large number of awards.
Including the Grand Prize in Jeollanam-do Agricultural Affairs for two consecutive years, the Grand Prize in the Agricultural and Food Business Evaluation, the Grand Prize in the Regional Food Index Evaluation, the Grand Prize in the Food and Horticulture Business Evaluation, the Grand Prize in the Eco-Friendly Agriculture Award, the Grand Prize in the Agricultural Products Processing Center Best Practice Contest, the Grand Prize in the Comprehensive Evaluation of Livestock Disinfection Policy, and many others. Won the award and received the report card of the 1st place agricultural group.
It was selected as the city most wanted to visit at the 14th Korea National Brand Awards, was selected as the representative festival of Jeollanam-do, won the 11th Korea Festival Content Grand Prize in the tourism field, and Land's End Pilgrimage Literature Museum was selected as the best literary museum by the Korean Literature Museum Association. was selected, and the county library ranked first in the Jeollanam-do public library operation evaluation.
In addition, it has received awards in various fields, including the Jeollanam-do Forest Administration Excellence Award, the Best Institution in Mental Health Promotion Project, the Grand Prize in the Korea Local Preservation and Economic Revitalization Field, the Best Institution in the First Half Local Price Stability Management Evaluation, the Excellence in Job Creation, and the Local Economy Revitalization Evaluation Encouragement Award.
County Governor Myeong Hyeon-gwan said, “Receiving the largest number of institutional commendations in history is the result of public officials and citizens working together.” He added, “I am grateful that we were able to achieve good results at the end of the year and have a meaningful ending thanks to the evaluation of our hard work. Next year, all residents will work together to raise the status of Haenam-gun.” “We will raise it further,” he said.
원본 기사 보기:브레이크뉴스 전남